Monday, December 25, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Google, Baghdad Office
بأفتتاح فرعها الاول في العراق في العاصمة الحبيبة بغداد
و سيتم افتتاح باقي الفروع تباعاً في كافة المحافظات الرئيسية
و يقدم فرع شركة كوكل في العراق خدماته للمواطنين باسعار زهيدة و تنافسية قياساً بالدول المجاورة
من حيث اجور ادراج المواقع ضمن محرك البحث , و ايضاً خدمات صيانة اجهزة الكومبيوتر و خطوط الانترنيت
السلكية و اللاسلكية و عبر الكيبل الضوئي بالاضافة الي دورات تدريبية معترف بها دولياً
تحتل الشركة بناية حديثة ضخمة في ارقى احياء بغداد
و يلفها طوق امني مشدد تحسباً من اي هجمات ( ارهابية ) محتملة
تنفرد مجموعة 007 البريدية
بنشر اول صورة لفرع شركة كوكل في بغداد
بعد الافتتاح مباشرة
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Hijaab et al; Excellent!
بينما نحن مشغولون بمناقشه الحجاب وان كان جزءا من الاسلام ام لا, عقد امس مؤتمرا فى باريس لعدد من الدول حوالى 30 دوله, ليس بينهم حسب معلوماتى اى من الدول المنشغله بمناقشه قضية الحجاب, وقد تم توقيع اتفاقية بينهم بمبلغ 12.8 مليار دولار لبدأ البحث عن طريقه جديدة لتوليد الطاقه. لقد بدأ العد التنازلى لحساب المتبقى من البترول فى العالم وقد وجد انه سيتم استهلاكه خلال 200 عام او اقل من ذلك ان زادت نسبه الاستهلاك عما هى عليه, وبينما نحن نجد ان شاغلنا الاعظم هو علاقة الاسلام بالحجاب, وكيف ينقض الكلب وضوء المسلم, وهل النقاب من الاسلام ام دخيل عليه, ومن هم على حق ومن هم على كفر الشيعه ام السنه .......الخ من تلك الامور ذات الاهمية القصوى, سوف نفيق يوما لنجد ان ما لدينا من بترول قد نفذ, وان الكفار ابناء القرده والخنازير قد وجدوا طريقة جديدة لتوليد الطاقه كى تبقى مجتمعاتهم فى حركه دائمه توفر لهم الحريه وتوفر لهم الغذاء والحياه الكريمه, بينما نحن نأمل عندئذ ان نكون قد توصلنا الى الاجابه التى لا تقبل النقاش بعدها عن مسأله الحجاب والنقاب واستعمال القبقاب
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Another great article
رغم أن الديمقراطية والعلمانية نظامان مكملان لبعضهما البعض .. ولا يمكن أن تنجح الديمقراطية الا بتبني العلمانية .. هما صنوان متلازمان ..
فلماذا يرفض الاسلاميون العلمانية ويقبلون الديمقراطية .. علي الاقل حاليا ومرحليا كما يفعل الاخوان ..
الاجابة معروفة .. وهي انهم ممكن ان يستفيدون من الديمقراطية ويستغلونها للوصول الي السلطة بعد أن فشلوا مرارا وتكرارا بالطرق الاخري عبر العنف والعمل السري وتهييج الشارع ضد السلطة ..
هو قبول مرحلي وليس دائم .. والدليل حركة حماس الآن ..
بينما العلمانية تضرب من الاساس مشروعهم السياسي ومبرر وجودهم ..
هم يدعون أنهم يقبلون الدولة المدنية رغم أن الدولة المدنية بالاساس هي دولة علمانية ..
فماهي الديمقراطية حسب التعريف الحقيقي والممارسة الحقيقية لها ..وماهي العلمانية .. وهل يمكن أن تكون هناك ديمقراطية من غير علمانية .. وهل يمكن أن تكون هناك دولة مدنية ديمقراطية دون أن تكون علمانية في نفس الوقت ..
تعريف الديمقراطية ..
فالديمقراطية تعني حكم الشعب لنفسه بطريقة مباشرة او من خلال ممثلين منتخبين من هذا الشعب .. وتعني حكم القانون الذي يقرره الشعب بنفسه ..الدستور و القانون المدني البشري وليس الإلهي .. والقابل للتغيير والتعديل إن أظهر التطبيق له عيبا أو عوارا .. نعم قد يستلهم هذا القانون مبادئه من الاهداف العليا من الدين من عدل ومساواة ورحمه .. ولا يخالف هذا القانون أصول الدين ولا يعاديها وخاصة في مجال الاحوال الشخصية .. ولكنه في النهاية يظل قانونا مدنيا بشريا .. وقابلا للتغيير ..
فهل هناك أي اختلاف بين تعريف الديمقراطية وتعريف العلمانية التي تعني فصل الدين عن الدولة .. بمعني ان الدولة تعبر عن مصالح البشر الدنيوية وتحميها .. ولا تعادي الدين الذي يعبر عن العلاقة الروحية والاخلاقية بين البشر والله ..
الدولة تعبر عن مصالح مواطنيها مهما اختلف الدين الذي يؤمنون به .. بينما الدين هو معبر عن اتباع هذا الدين .. فالدين الاسلامي يختلف في المعتقدات عن المسيحي وكلاهما يختلف عن اليهودي ..وإن لم يتم فصل الدين عن الدولة .. فلابد أن تنحاز هذه الدولة الي اتباع هذا الدين او ذاك .. مما يضرب مفهوم الدولة المدنية تماما ويجعلها دولة منحازة الي فئة معينة من الشعب سواء كانت هذه الفئة أقليه أو أغلبية ..
الدولة المدنية هي دولة تمثل جميع المواطنين وتحمي حقوق الجميع .. وتأخذ موقفا حياديا تماما من الدين ..تطبق القانون المدني علي الجميع دون تمييز .. وتطبق قوانين الاحوال الشخصية حسب كل دين لمن يعلن أنه مسلم او مسيحي أو يهودي ولكنها لا تتدخل اطلاقا في حق اي إنسان أن يختار الدين الذي يريد أن يتبعه .. أو يقرر بمحض ارادته ان يكون لا ديني ..
الدولة المدنية تحترم كل الاديان ولا تنحاز الي دين معين ..
الدولة المدنية دستورها مدني وقوانينها مدنية تستمد شرعيتها من صناديق الانتخابات والقانون الذي ينظم هذه الانتخابات ..
الدولة المدنية لا تسمح بالاحزاب الدينية ولا تسمح باستخدام الشعارات الدينية في الدعاية الانتخابية .. حتي لا يدعي أي حزب أنه يمثل الله او أن برنامجه الانتخابي هو كلام الله مما يوحي ان الاحزاب المنافسه هي بعيدة عن الله والدين او انها معادية لهما ..وهو ما يبتز مشاعر بسطاء الناخبين ويضرب في العمق معني العدالة والحقوق المتساوية التي يجب ان تتمتع بها جميع الاحزاب والافراد في اي انتخابات سياسية و مدنية ..
ومما سبق نكتشف لماذا تقبل الجماعات ذات المرجعية الدينية الديمقراطية وترفض العلمانية .. رغم أنهما في الحقيقة وجهان لعملة واحدة ولايختلفان في الجوهر والديمقراطية والعلمانية هما الاساس الفلسفي لأي دولة مدنية حقيقة وليس مشوهة ..
تقبل الجماعات ذات المرجعية الدينية الديمقراطية لأنها تختزل معناها فقط في الانتخابات و تفرغها من جوهرها الحقيقي ..
وهي تعرف أنها إن فسرت الديمقراطية فقط علي انها انتخابات فهي قد تستطيع استغلالها للوصول الي السلطة عبر ابتزازها مشاعر البسطاء بشعارات دينية مثل الاسلام هو الحل .. والايحاء ان من لاينتخب رافعي هذا الشعار أو أن من يعارضهم هو ضد الاسلام ..
وتصبح بالتالي المنافسة السياسية في اي انتخابات هي منافسة غير عادلة تماما .. تصبح المنافسة وكأنها بين الله والبشر .. وكأنها بين الدين ومعارضيه ..
والنتيجة ستكون معروفة مقدما ... سينحاز بسطاء الناخبين وهم الاغلبية الي الله والدين .. فلا أحد يريد حتي أمام نفسه أن يبدوا معارضا للدين والله ..
هذه هي خطورة اللعبة التي تمارسها جماعات الاسلام السياسي .. وهم يعرفون كما تعرف كل النخب المثقفة أنهم في قرارة أنفسهم لا يؤمنون بالديمقراطية الحقيقة .. ويريدون نظاما الاحزاب فيه تختلف فقط في بعض التفاصبل ويكون لها مرجعية واحدة هي مرجعيتهم .. تماما مثل الاختلاف بين المذاهب الاربعة في العالم السني .. او مثل الاختلاف بين المتشددين والمعتدلين في العالم الشيعي في حالة ايران رغم ان الجميع يجب ان يوافق علي ولاية الفقيه وعلي ان الحاكم الفعلي لإيران هو الإمام الاثني عشر الغائب ..
أما الخطا الاكبر فهو سماح الحكومة لهم بهذه اللعبة .. رغم مخالفتها الواضحة للدستور والقانون .. فالدستور والقانون يمنع قيام الاحزاب علي اساس ديني والقانون يمنع استخدام الشعارات الانتخابية في الدعاية الانتخابية ..
فلمصلحة من تخالف الحكومة القانون ,, أنه لمصلحتها الآنية وليس البعيدة .. إنها رسالة توجهها الحكومة للضغوط الخارجية التي تطالبها بالديمقراطية ..
و الخاسر الوحيد في هذه الحالة هي مصر والديمقراطية والدولة المدنية ..
والنظام والحزب الحاكم يلعبان بالنار بمخالفتهما للقانون عبر السماح برفع شعارات دينية في الانتخابات او استغلال مرشحين مفروض انهم مستقلين لاسم جماعة هي محظورة قانونا .. وهو تماما عمل غير اخلاقي مثل السماح لمن ترشح وكسب كمستقل أن يعود الي الحزب الوطني ..
للأسف وللحسرة من يسيطر علي مجلس الشعب الحالي وعلي مصر هما قوتان كلاهما لايؤمن حقا بالديمقراطية ولا يؤمن حقا بالدولة المدنية وأصولها .. وسيتحول الصراع بينهما الي كسر عظام ..
وهاتان القوتان تضحيان بمصر ومستقبلها واستقرارها في سبيل شهوة السلطة التي تسيطر عليهما ..
لنا الله
عمرو اسماعيل
Worth a read!
أهل السنة يعتمدون علي الحديث الذي قال فيه رسول الله صلوات الله عليه وسلم "تركت فيكم أمرين أو شيئين، لن تضلوا ما إن تمسكتم بهما: كتاب الله، وسنتي ، ولن يتفرقا حتى يردا على الحوض " وفي حديث آخر يعتمده الشيعه أيضا رواه الترمذي والطبراني عن جابر بن عبد الله أنه قال: رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في صحبة يوم عرفة وهو على ناقته القصواء يخطب الناس، فسمعته يقول: يا أيها الناس إني قد تركت فيكم من إن أخذتم به لن تضلوا كتاب الله وعترتي أهل بيتي.
وقد صحح الألباني هذا الحديث ، ومن ذلك ما رواه مسلم من حديث زيد بن أرقم أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: أما بعد ألا أيها الناس فإنما أنا بشر يوشك أن يأتي رسول ربي فأجيب، وأنا تارك فيكم ثقلين أولهما كتاب الله فيه الهدى والنور فخذوا بكتاب الله واستمسكوا به، فحث على كتاب الله ورغب فيه... قال: وأهل بيتي أذكركم الله في أهل بيتي أذكركم الله في أهل بيتي، أذكركم الله في أهل بيتي..
سنة رسول الله الحقيقية التي تبعه فيها أهل بيته والكثير من المسلمين دون أن يسموا أنفسهم أهل سنة أو شيعة.. أنه كان أمينا وصادقا ويشاور صحابته في الأمر ولم يكن مستبدا طاغيا عنيفا وأنه لم يورث أحدا الحكم بل ترك الأمر شوري بين المسلمين .. فهل نحن فعلا أهل سنة .. هل اتبعنا كتاب الله فعلا وسنته كما يقول علماؤنا الأفاضل .. رسول الله صلوات الله عليه وسلم لم يكن فظا غليظ القلب وكان يدعوا الي سبيل ربه بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة .. فهل نحن كذلك ؟.. وهل راعينا أهل بيت رسول الله كما قال لنا في حديث صححه أهل السنة ؟.. أم قاتلناهم وقتلناهم ..
في الحديثين المعتمدين من أهل السنة والجماعة وشيعة أهل البيت .. ليس هناك نصا لتوريث الحكم لأي إنسان .. بل هناك نصا عاما باتباع كتاب الله وسنة رسول الله .. التي هي منهاجه وطريقته .. .. فهل فعلنا ؟
بل نسينا سنة رسول الله الحقيقية وسنة أهل بيته وكلام الله في القرآن في سورتي آل عمران والشوري الواضح السهل الذي لا يحتاج تأويلا وتفسيرا :
سورة آل عمران (الآية 159) في قوله تعالى: "فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِّنَ اللهِ لِنتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لاَنْفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الأمْرِ فَإِذَا عَزَمْتَ فَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللهِ إِنَّ اللهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَوَكِّلِينَ "
وسورة الشورى (الآية 38)، قال تعالى: "وَالَّذِينَ اسْتَجَابُوا لِرَبِّهِمْ وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلاَةَ وَأَمْرُهُمْ شُورَى بَيْنَهُمْ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ"
"المجتمع الإسلامي يستطيع اليوم أن يضع القوانين والنظم والتعليمات الخاصة بالشورى بحسب ما يراه ملائما لعصره دفعا للاستبداد بالرأي، من غير اعتبار للتطبيقات العملية التي مارسها الخلفاء أو الأمراء أو الحكام عبر العصور؛ لأنها كانت ملائمة لعصورهم، وليست أمورا دينية"
في الحقيقة الدولة المدنية التي يتم تداول السلطة فيها سلميا ودوريا عبر انتخابات حرة ونزيهة يقرر فيها الشعب نظام الحكم الذي يريده والحاكم الذي يستطيع تطبيق هذا النظام .. ويتم انتخاب مجلس تشريعي يضع القوانين التي تحفظ مصالح الشعب وتستلهم مبادئها من مرجعية عليا هي مباديء الأديان السماوية كلها وعلي راسها الاسلام والقرآن من عدل ومساواة وسيادة للقانون علي الجميع دون تمييز ... والفصل بين السلطات .. هي الدولة التي تمثل روح وجوهر الاسلام والقرآن وسنة نبي الاسلام العطرة .. وتطبيقنا لهذه الدولة هو الانتصار الحقيقي لنبي الاسلام بدلا من صراخ الشيخ القرضاوي علي قناة الجزيرة طلبا للتبرعات لنصرة رسولنا الكريم .. تطبيقنا لهذه الدولة هو الرد العملي لكل من يحاول الإساءة للإسلام ونبيه صلي الله عليه وسلم ..
إن رسولنا الكريم صلوات الله عليه وسلم لم يورث الحكم لشخص من بعده ولم يوصي لشخص أو نظام معين في الحكم .. وترك الأمر شوري للمسلمين يختارون الشخص الأفضل والنظام الأصلح حسب المكان والزمان .. ثم نجد بعض المسلمين قديما وحديثا ممن لم يتأسوا برسولنا الكريم مع كثرة حديثهم عن اتباعهم لسنته وترديدهم لأحاديث أحاد يورثون الحكم ويفرضون سطوتهم واستبدادهم علي خلق الله ويتقاتلون ويقتلون بعضهم البعض الي اليوم في سبيل السلطة ثم يدعون بعد ذلك أنهم يريدون إقامة الحكم الاسلامي ..
Monday, October 30, 2006
I'm worth a lot
In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question ; the question....
"What kind of man are you looking for?"
She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye and asking.
"Do you really want to know?"
Reluctantly, he said, "Yes."
She began to expound... As a woman in this day and age, I am in a position to
ask a man what he can do for me that I can't do for myself. I pay my own bills.
I take care of my household without the help of any man. I am in the position to
ask, "What can you bring to the table?"
The man looked at her. Clearly he thought that she was referring to money.
She quickly corrected his thought and stated, "I am not referring to money. I
need something more." I need a man who is striving for perfection in every
aspect of life." He sat back in his chair, folded his arms, and asked her to
She said, "I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection mentally
because I need conversation and mental stimulation. I don't need a simple-minded
man." I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection spiritually
because I don't need to be unequally yoked... believers mixed with unbelievers
is a recipe for disaster. I need a man who is striving for perfection
financially because I don't need a financial burden. I am looking for someone
who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman, but strong
enough to keep me grounded. I am looking for someone who I can respect. In order
to be submissive, I must respect him. I cannot be submissive to a man who isn't
taking care of his business. I have no problem being submissive..taking care of
be worthy. God made woman to be a helpmate for man. I can't help a man if he
can't help himself. When she finished her spill, she looked at him. He sat there
with a puzzled look on his face.
He said, "You're asking a lot."
She replied, "I'm worth a lot."
Sunday, October 29, 2006
If only Shalash was adopted by Madonna...
هاي مامي.. هاو ار يو تو دي ؟
تبتسم ماما وتحط ايده على شعري .وتكلي من كل كلبها : هاي بيبي
بيبي .. والله هي كالت بيبي اني شعلية،ليش تغارون ؟ شبيكم مشايفين اجانب ؟...بيبي ونص وغصبن على شواربكم ... مستكثرين علي بيبي يا معدان ..هيج ويسويها البخت واعيش حياتي بكنف مادونا ، والله احسن مليون مرة من كنف حجي ارحيمة .. هو منيله كنف ... حجي ارحيمة قنفه ماعده .
الله بشرفكم خلوني احلم .. لحد يكعدني .. ماما تروح لباريس تاخذني .. تروح للمكسيك على عنادكم هم تاخذني ...تروح للزيارة تاخذني .. تروح للسوك هم تاخذني .. انجب لك ، هي مادونا تروح للسوك ، صدك متخلف ..
يعني شيصير لو صدك مادونا تتبناني .. جان شاكيرا صارت جيرانا وبيت جوليا روبرتس ورانا وبيت جنيفر لوبيز شوية ليغاد من الفلكة .. وعلى ايدك اليمنى اول متلوف بيت برتني سبيرز وبراس الشارع يم ابو الصمون بيت كاميرون دياز ..
اخوان بشرفي، بشرفي اذا مادونا تتبناني اطيكم كل واحد ورقة ،ميت دولار كاملة ... كلكم اطيكم ، انعل ابو الفلوس ... شنو قحط ..الفلوس وسخ دنيا ،
تخيلوا من اصير ابن مادونا افتح التلفزيون يطلعلي عدنان الدليمي .. راسا تلعب نفسي ..ادوخ .. التلفزيون يكوم يهتز . عوع .. هو از دليمي ، .. هي از ديرتي، اي هيت هم ...اي هيت هم ..اي هيت هم ..واو ... هاي افري بدي ، ايام ذي سن اوف مادونا ... ماي مام از بوب سنغر ، هاي مستر مالكي .. هاي مستر هكيم .. هاي الاوي .. هاي مهدي الهافز .. هاي مس سفية سهيل .. هاي دير مستر مشئان .. هاي تلباني اند برزاني اند بولاني ، بليس وير از مستر سولاغ لونك تايم نوت سي هم ، تيل هم هلو بليز ،باي سي يو ...
مادونا بشرفج وانت اشرف من الجمعية الوطنية ، ليش رحتي لملاوي تتبنين طفل، جان حجيتي ، مو اني هم طفل بريء وما عدي احد ... والله يتيم ومشتعل جد جدي ،، ليش مادونا ليش .الله يقبل ...
يابه ملازم مادونا ، ماكو وحدة مطربة ، راقصة ، كاولية ، تجي تتبناني وتخلصني من جيش المهدي
Monday, October 23, 2006
A Happy & Blessed Eid!
ليتقبل صيامكم بالبركات
فجعل فطركم أسعد الأعياد
كل عام وأنتم بخير
May God Almighty
Bless your Days
And light your heart
with His ways
Wishing you & yours a Happy & Blessed Eid
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Happy Birthday!
hApPy bIrThDaY HaPpY BiRtHdAY
hApPy BiRtHdAY tOoOo Me
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
هُنَا العراقْ ..
حُرةٌّ تُسْبَى ..
وطفلٌ مُقعَدٌ ..
ودمٌ يُراق ْ..
هُنَا العراقْ ..
في كل بيتٍ ..
والدٌ يبكي ..
وأمٌّ تشتكي ..
ضَيْمَ الفراقْ ..
هُنَا العراقْ ..
هُنَا الأرضُ التّي ..
أعداءُها اغْتَصَبوا ..
وقبلَهُمُ الرفاقْ ..
هُنَا الخيرُ العميمُ .. المستديم ُ ..
هُنَا الشعبُ الفقيرُ .. المستجيرُ ..
هُنَا الحضارةُ ..
والمنارةُ ..
والمهارةُ ..
والتطرُّفُ في الولاءِ ..
وفي النفاقْ ..
هُنَا الطغاةُ على مَدى الأيام سادوا ..
هُنَا الغزاة على مَدى التاريخ بادوا ..
اليوم عادوا ... عانِقوهم ..
بشِّـروهم ..
هاهنا سيُقتَلون .. ويُخْنقون ..
من العِناق ..
هُنَا العراقْ ..
هُنَا الأمطارُ .. والأنهارُ ..
والأشعارُ ..
هُنَا الأفكارُ .. والأذكارُ .. والأقمارُ
هُنَا الكرامةُ .. والدناءة ُ .. والمودةُ ..
والتنافرُ ...والشقاقْ ..
هُنَا العراق ..
هُنَا الغناءْ .. هُنَا البكاءْ ..
وكربلاءْ ..
هُنَا الأحباب ْ .. هُنَا زريابْ ..
هُنَا السيّابْ ..
هُنَا الحجَّاج .. هُنَا هارون ..
ماأدراكَ ما هارون .. !
هُنَا المأمون .. هُنَا النوّاسُ .. من غيٍّ أَفَاقْ ..
هُنَا العراقْ ..
هُنَا البعث ُ .. هُنَا العَبثُ ..
هُنَا الأصنامْ .. هُنَا الأزلامْ ..
هُنَا صـدّامْ .. هُنَا الأقدامْ ..
تدوسُ تِمثَال الزّعيمِ ..
بِلا اتفّــاقْ ..
هُنَا العراقْ ..
هُنَا بداياتُ الحضاراتِ الأبيّة ..
هُنَا نهاياتُ الشعاراتِ الغبيّة ..
هُنَا الثرواتُ تنسى الأغلبيّة ..
هُنَا الضَّحِكَاتُ من شرَّ البليّة ..
هُنَا الجيوشُ لأيِّ معركةٍ تُسَـاق ..
هُنَا جثمانُ أمتََّنا المجيدة ..
هُنَا دُفِنت مآثُرنا التليدة ..
هُنَا أمجادُ أمريكا الجديدة ..
هُنَا صار الخليجُ على الحديدة .. !
هُنَا ذابَت بلادٌ ..
ذات يومٍ ..
إسمها كـان العـــراقْ ..
الشاعر الأمير عبد الرحمن بن مساعد
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
...on leadership

The best leaders are born with skills that others strive to acquire. It can be honed & developed to make a successfull leader in adulthood. Others, may not have had that skil noted, and therefore their skills may be left undiscovered.
What makes a great leader is a combination of many traits & charachteristics; to name a few: wisdom, respect, far-sightedness, empathy, decisiveness, in addition to excellent timing, control, conscientious, diligent effort and a drop of humour.
So to develop a leader, one needs to grow a seed in to a fine plant. As with a plant one would need the right environment and a few surprises from mother nature! Some strife & toiling can only make a person stronger & wiser; as with the pepper plant (chilli) one needs to make it thirsty for the pepper to be more hot! And so, the right amount of suffering can at times do good.
A successfull leader gathers much of his/her success through time, and so, you might find a dynamic young leader, but it is only with time & experience will he develop to be a fine one.
When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power at the ripe old age o f 60 in the former USSR, he was considered too young to become president because he may not have acquired the appropriate experience & wisdom for his years.
It is therefore, imperative to take careful consideration in choosing the right leader, and so comes the core of the matter, who is it that makes, chooses and sustains the leader. It is the people. And with that relationship and responsibility comes the unending question: was that a wise decision. For it is only under duress & pressure does the true mettle of the said leader show and it is only then that we realise whether they are great or not.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Muhammad's sword - By Uri Avner
Pope Benedict XVI in the service of George W. Bush
By Uri Avner
09/24/06 "Information Clearing House" -- -- Since the days when Roman emperors threw Christians to the lions, the relations between the emperors and the heads of the church have undergone many changes.
Constantine the Great, who became emperor in the year 306 - exactly 1700 years ago - encouraged the practice of Christianity in the empire, which included Palestine. Centuries later, the church split into an Eastern (Orthodox) and a Western (Catholic) part. In the West, the Bishop of Rome, who acquired the title of Pope, demanded that the emperor accept his superiority.
The struggle between the emperors and the popes played a central role in European history and divided the peoples. It knew ups and downs. Some emperors dismissed or expelled a pope, some popes dismissed or excommunicated an emperor. One of the emperors, Henry IV, "walked to Canossa", standing for three days barefoot in the snow in front of the Pope's castle, until the Pope deigned to annul his excommunication.
But there were times when emperors and popes lived in peace with each other. We are witnessing such a period today. Between the present Pope, Benedict XVI, and the present emperor, George Bush
In his lecture at a German university, the 265th Pope described what he sees as a huge difference between Christianity and Islam: while Christianity is based on reason, Islam denies it. While Christians see the logic of God's actions, Muslims deny that there is any such logic in the actions of Allah.
As a Jewish atheist, I do not intend to enter the fray of this debate. It is much beyond my humble abilities to understand the logic of the Pope. But I cannot overlook one passage, which concerns me too, as an Israeli living near the fault-line of this "war of civilizations".
In order to prove the lack of reason in Islam, the Pope asserts that the Prophet Muhammad ordered his followers to spread their religion by the sword. According to the Pope, that is unreasonable, because faith is born of the soul, not of the body. How can the sword influence the soul?
To support his case, the Pope quoted - of all people - a Byzantine emperor, who belonged, of course, to the competing Eastern Church. At the end of the 14th century, Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus told of a debate he had - or so he said (its occurrence is in doubt) - with an unnamed Persian Muslim scholar. In the heat of the argument, the emperor (according to himself) flung the following words at his adversary:
Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.
These words give rise to three questions: (a) Why did the Emperor say them? (b) Are they true? (c) Why did the present Pope quote them?
When Manuel II wrote his treatise, he was the head of a dying empire. He assumed power in 1391, when only a few provinces of the once illustrious empire remained. These, too, were already under Turkish threat.
At that point in time, the Ottoman Turks had reached the banks of the Danube. They had conquered Bulgaria and the north of Greece, and had twice defeated relieving armies sent by Europe to save the Eastern Empire. On 29 May 1453, only a few years after Manuel's death, his capital, Constantinople (the present Istanbul), fell to the Turks, putting an end to the empire that had lasted for more than a thousand years.
During his reign, Manuel made the rounds of the capitals of Europe in an attempt to drum up support. He promised to reunite the church. There is no doubt that he wrote his religious treatise in order to incite the Christian countries against the Turks and convince them to start a new crusade. The aim was practical, theology was serving politics.
In this sense, the quote serves exactly the requirements of the present Emperor, George Bush II. He, too, wants to unite the Christian world against the mainly Muslim "Axis of Evil". Moreover, the Turks are again knocking on the doors of Europe, this time peacefully. It is well known that the Pope supports the forces that object to the entry of Turkey into the European Union.
Is there any truth in Manuel's argument?
The pope himself threw in a word of caution. As a serious and renowned theologian, he could not afford to falsify written texts. Therefore, he admitted that the Qur'an specifically forbade the spreading of the faith by force. He quoted the second Sura, Verse 256 (strangely fallible, for a pope, he meant Verse 257) which says: "There must be no coercion in matters of faith."
How can one ignore such an unequivocal statement? The Pope simply argues that this commandment was laid down by the Prophet when he was at the beginning of his career, still weak and powerless, but that later on he ordered the use of the sword in the service of the faith. Such an order does not exist in the Qur'an. True, Muhammad called for the use of the sword in his war against opposing tribes - Christian, Jewish and others - in Arabia, when he was building his state. But that was a political act, not a religious one; basically a fight for territory, not for the spreading of the faith.
Jesus said: "You will recognize them by their fruits." The treatment of other religions by Islam must be judged by a simple test: how did the Muslim rulers behave for more than a thousand years, when they had the power to "spread the faith by the sword"?
Well, they just did not.
For many centuries, the Muslims ruled Greece. Did the Greeks become Muslims? Did anyone even try to Islamize them? On the contrary, Christian Greeks held the highest positions in the Ottoman administration. The Bulgarians, Serbs, Romanians, Hungarians and other European nations lived at one time or another under Ottoman rule and clung to their Christian faith. Nobody compelled them to become Muslims and all of them remained devoutly Christian.
True, the Albanians did convert to Islam, and so did the Bosniaks. But nobody argues that they did this under duress. They adopted Islam in order to become favourites of the government and enjoy the fruits.
In 1099, the Crusaders conquered Jerusalem and massacred its Muslim and Jewish inhabitants indiscriminately, in the name of the gentle Jesus. At that time, 400 years into the occupation of Palestine by the Muslims, Christians were still the majority in the country. Throughout this long period, no effort was made to impose Islam on them. Only after the expulsion of the Crusaders from the country, did the majority of the inhabitants start to adopt the Arabic language and the Muslim faith - and they were the forefathers of most of today's Palestinians.
There no evidence whatsoever of any attempt to impose Islam on the Jews. As is well known, under Muslim rule the Jews of Spain enjoyed a bloom the like of which the Jews did not enjoy anywhere else until almost our time. Poets like Yehuda Halevy wrote in Arabic, as did the great Maimonides. In Muslim Spain, Jews were ministers, poets, scientists. In Muslim Toledo, Christian, Jewish and Muslim scholars worked together and translated the ancient Greek philosophical and scientific texts. That was, indeed, the Golden Age. How would this have been possible, had the Prophet decreed the "spreading of the faith by the sword"?
What happened afterwards is even more telling. When the Catholics reconquered Spain from the Muslims, they instituted a reign of religious terror. The Jews and the Muslims were presented with a cruel choice: to become Christians, to be massacred or to leave. And where did the hundreds of thousand of Jews, who refused to abandon their faith, escape? Almost all of them were received with open arms in the Muslim countries. The Sephardi ("Spanish") Jews settled all over the Muslim world, from Morocco in the west to Iraq in the east, from Bulgaria (then part of the Ottoman Empire) in the north to Sudan in the south. Nowhere were they persecuted. They knew nothing like the tortures of the Inquisition, the flames of the auto-da-fe, the pogroms, the terrible mass-expulsions that took place in almost all Christian countries, up to the Holocaust.
Why? Because Islam expressly prohibited any persecution of the "peoples of the book". In Islamic society, a special place was reserved for Jews and Christians. They did not enjoy completely equal rights, but almost. They had to pay a special poll tax, but were exempted from military service - a trade-off that was quite welcome to many Jews. It has been said that Muslim rulers frowned upon any attempt to convert Jews to Islam even by gentle persuasion - because it entailed the loss of taxes.
Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for fifty generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times "by the sword" to get them to abandon their faith.
The story about "spreading the faith by the sword" is an evil legend, one of the myths that grew up in Europe during the great wars against the Muslims - the reconquista of Spain by the Christians, the Crusades and the repulsion of the Turks, who almost conquered Vienna. I suspect that the German Pope, too, honestly believes in these fables. That means that the leader of the Catholic world, who is a Christian theologian in his own right, did not make the effort to study the history of other religions.
Why did he utter these words in public? And why now?
There is no escape from viewing them against the background of the new Crusade of Bush and his evangelist supporters, with his slogans of "Islamofascism" and the "global war on terror" - when "terrorism" has become a synonym for Muslims. For Bush's handlers, this is a cynical attempt to justify the domination of the world's oil resources. Not for the first time in history, a religious robe is spread to cover the nakedness of economic interests; not for the first time, a robbers' expedition becomes a Crusade.
The speech of the Pope blends into this effort. Who can foretell the dire consequences?
Uri Avnery is an Israeli author and activist. He is the head of the Israeli peace movement, "Gush Shalom".
Monday, September 25, 2006

Here's a beautiful T-Shirt design made by young UAE entrepreneurs. I will be ordering some for myself, so if you're interested you may forward your order to this email address: .
(Localism, Winner of the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashed Young Entrepreneurship Award for Most Profitable Business Venture 2006 - TEL: +971-50-2277162).
Each T-Shirt costs AED 50, and they also have a limited edition women's collection with crystals of different designs.You can place an order by sending them an email with your required quantity.
A Blessed Ramadan
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Shalash's Writings: I am Iraqi!!!!!!!
آنـــــــــي عــــــــراقيكتابات - شلش العراقيآني عراقي..... أي والله آني عراقي ... وداعتكم يا أخوان آني عراقي.. مو لأن عندي شهادة جنسية عراقية .. ولا بسبب من كوني من أبوين عراقيين بالولادة .. لا .. آني عراقي لأن آني عراقي..... من أنام ومن اكعد ومن أكوم ومن آكل ومن اشرب ومن امشي ومن اصفن ومن أبجي ومن اضحك آني عراقي ...وأي واحد يشوفني ويشوف الألم والحزن والدمعة النايمة بعيني رأسا يكول هذاعراقي .. انظر اليَّ عزيزي القارئ ... شوفني شلون أدخن واسمع الحسرات والآهات الصاعدة من صدري ، شوف عيوني زين .. تعال اتقرب وباوع علي .. دتشوف قهر السنوات القاسية وتعب الايام المرة ؟! .. بشرفك اكو بي شي مو عراقي ...؟!آني عراقي يعني اني مريض ... مريض بكل شي اسمه عراقي .احب الكردي العراقي وأموت على التركماني العراقي وإذا يمرض المندائي العراقي آني من يمي أصخن واذا المسيحي كال الحكولي اركض ما اشوف طريقي ... وإذا واحد يسألني شلش انت سني لو شيعي والله أحس كاعد يشتمني .. شنو يشتمني أحس كاعد يبوك ملامحي من وجهي واشعر بالاهانة .. وحتى نوبات بعض الأخوة القراء ما اعرف ليش يسألوني : شلش بروح أمك انت من الجماعة لو من عدنا ؟ لكم والله آني عراقي .. ليش تخلوني اصيح واطلع من طوري .. يعني لازم أصير طائفي .. لا .. لو تموتون ما اكلكم غير اني عراقي وما أصير غير عراقي ..اني عراقي من الانبار .. صدكوني اني من الانبار ، بس ما دخلت أبيتنا مجاهدين تكفيريين ينتظرون سراهم حتى ينتحرون وسط حجياتنا وأطفالنا .. لا اني ما أسويها .. اني عراقي من الانبار بس مو بحجة المقاومة افجر الأسواق والمطاعم والكراجات والمساطر .. اني عراقي من الانبار بس ما اكطع الطريق على الناس وأكول السنة يبقون والشيعة ينزلون .. اني عراقي من ديالى صدكوني اني من ديالى ، بس ما اكطع روؤس ابناء شعبي وأحطها بصناديق الموز .. اني عراقي من ديالى ، بس ما أوجه الهاونات على الجوامع والحسينيات .. اني عراقي من ديالى بس ما اخلي غريب يدخل مدينتي ويقتل أهلي .. اني عراقي من صلاح الدين ، نعم اني من تكريت وسامرا وبيجي بس اني ما افجر محطات الكهرباء وأنابيب النفط .. اني عراقي من اربيل ، بس بغداد العزيزة تبقى عاصمتي وعلم العراق يرفرف على بيتي وما أفكر بنفسي وبس .. اني عراقي من مدينة الثورة بس ما أروح أشكل عصابات واختطف الناس واقتلهم لأسباب طائفية حقيرة .. مو صحيح حجي محمد ، مو صحيح ابو مريم ..اني عراقي من الشعلة بس ما اهجم على الغزالية واقتل الناس بدون سبب .. موصحيح سيد شناوة ، والله عيب على شرفك سيد شناوة .. اني عراقي من الدورة بس ما البس نص دشداشة و اهجر الناس للرصافة لان ذولة مومن طائفتي .. اني عراقي من البصرة ولو يجي ابو كسرى ورستم وبهشتي وبلشتي واصفهاني ويريد يدخل العشار بدون استئذان من اهل العشار والله اكسر رجله ورجل الخلّفوه .. اني عراقي من العمارة اني عراقي من الناصرية اني عراقي من الكوت من الديوانية من السماوة من الحلة اني عراقي وانت بكيفك من يا محافظة تريدني اني حاضر ..اني عراقي واشعر بالعار لان أهلي متهجولين بالأردن وسوريا ومصر وباقي دول الجوار ..اشعر بالعار لان بناتنا وشبابنا يكسرون الخاطر بالحدود.. بناتنا الحلوات غريبات بالعواصم ويتلفتن منا ومنا .. اني عراقي واشعر بالعار لان كفاءاتنا العلمية تتوسل على وظيفة عند أتفه الناس .. اني عراقي واشعر بالعار لان حكومتي أشهر حكومة بالفساد الإداري على مستوى العالم .. اني عراقي واشعر بالعار لان مجلس النواب العراقي يتكون من وجوه أمية ومتخلفة وطائفية وعنصرية ومتخمة بالحقد على بعضها ...اني عراقي واشعر بالعار من أراجع وزارة وأريد أتعين بوطني يكولولي روح جيب تأييد من حزب البلوة لو حزب فضيلة ام اللبن لو من المجلس الأعمى.. اني عراقي واشعر بالعار لان أمريكا محتلتني ودباباتها رايحة و جاية بشارع فلسطين وساحة بيروت والباب الشرجي وشارع السعدون وبكل مكان .. اني عراقي واشعر بالعار لان مصير بلدي بأيد آيات الله بطهران .. اشعر بالعار والخجل من شهداء العراق الذين سقطوا عند حدود العراق والتي أضحت بعدهم سائبة لكلاب التجسس والجريمة وتجار المخدرات ..اني عراقي ولأنني أريد إن أبقى عراقي وأموت وأني عراقي سأشارك في الحملة الشعبية المستقلة ليوم الوحدة الوطنية " أنا عراقي " ليس فقط لأقول أنا عراقي بل سأتصرف منذ هذه اللحظة كعراقي .. بالمناسبة موبس اني عراقي ، انت عزيزي القاريء هم عراقي ..ولان اني عراقي وانت عراقي خل نسمع نداء الشباب الشرفاء ونصرخ وياهم بصوت واحد " انا عراقي "
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Blood borders; How a better Middle East would look
International borders are never completely just. But the degree of injustice they inflict upon those whom frontiers force together or separate makes an enormous difference — often the difference between freedom and oppression, tolerance and atrocity, the rule of law and terrorism, or even peace and war.
The most arbitrary and distorted borders in the world are in Africa and the Middle East. Drawn by self-interested Europeans (who have had sufficient trouble defining their own frontiers), Africa's borders continue to provoke the deaths of millions of local inhabitants. But the unjust borders in the Middle East — to borrow from Churchill — generate more trouble than can be consumed locally.
While the Middle East has far more problems than dysfunctional borders alone — from cultural stagnation through scandalous inequality to deadly religious extremism — the greatest taboo in striving to understand the region's comprehensive failure isn't Islam but the awful-but-sacrosanct international boundaries worshipped by our own diplomats.
Of course, no adjustment of borders, however draconian, could make every minority in the Middle East happy. In some instances, ethnic and religious groups live intermingled and have intermarried. Elsewhere, reunions based on blood or belief might not prove quite as joyous as their current proponents expect. The boundaries projected in the maps accompanying this article redress the wrongs suffered by the most significant "cheated" population groups, such as the Kurds, Baluch and Arab Shia, but still fail to account adequately for Middle Eastern Christians, Bahais, Ismailis, Naqshbandis and many another numerically lesser minorities. And one haunting wrong can never be redressed with a reward of territory: the genocide perpetrated against the Armenians by the dying Ottoman Empire.
Yet, for all the injustices the borders re-imagined here leave unaddressed, without such major boundary revisions, we shall never see a more peaceful Middle East.
Even those who abhor the topic of altering borders would be well-served to engage in an exercise that attempts to conceive a fairer, if still imperfect, amendment of national boundaries between the Bosporus and the Indus. Accepting that international statecraft has never developed effective tools — short of war — for readjusting faulty borders, a mental effort to grasp the Middle East's "organic" frontiers nonetheless helps us understand the extent of the difficulties we face and will continue to face. We are dealing with colossal, man-made deformities that will not stop generating hatred and violence until they are corrected.
As for those who refuse to "think the unthinkable," declaring that boundaries must not change and that's that, it pays to remember that boundaries have never stopped changing through the centuries. Borders have never been static, and many frontiers, from Congo through Kosovo to the Caucasus, are changing even now (as ambassadors and special representatives avert their eyes to study the shine on their wingtips).
Oh, and one other dirty little secret from 5,000 years of history: Ethnic cleansing works.
Begin with the border issue most sensitive to American readers: For Israel to have any hope of living in reasonable peace with its neighbors, it will have to return to its pre-1967 borders — with essential local adjustments for legitimate security concerns. But the issue of the territories surrounding Jerusalem, a city stained with thousands of years of blood, may prove intractable beyond our lifetimes. Where all parties have turned their god into a real-estate tycoon, literal turf battles have a tenacity unrivaled by mere greed for oil wealth or ethnic squabbles. So let us set aside this single overstudied issue and turn to those that are studiously ignored.
The most glaring injustice in the notoriously unjust lands between the Balkan Mountains and the Himalayas is the absence of an independent Kurdish state. There are between 27 million and 36 million Kurds living in contiguous regions in the Middle East (the figures are imprecise because no state has ever allowed an honest census). Greater than the population of present-day Iraq, even the lower figure makes the Kurds the world's largest ethnic group without a state of its own. Worse, Kurds have been oppressed by every government controlling the hills and mountains where they've lived since Xenophon's day.
The U.S. and its coalition partners missed a glorious chance to begin to correct this injustice after Baghdad's fall. A Frankenstein's monster of a state sewn together from ill-fitting parts, Iraq should have been divided into three smaller states immediately. We failed from cowardice and lack of vision, bullying Iraq's Kurds into supporting the new Iraqi government — which they do wistfully as a quid pro quo for our good will. But were a free plebiscite to be held, make no mistake: Nearly 100 percent of Iraq's Kurds would vote for independence.
As would the long-suffering Kurds of Turkey, who have endured decades of violent military oppression and a decades-long demotion to "mountain Turks" in an effort to eradicate their identity. While the Kurdish plight at Ankara's hands has eased somewhat over the past decade, the repression recently intensified again and the eastern fifth of Turkey should be viewed as occupied territory. As for the Kurds of Syria and Iran, they, too, would rush to join an independent Kurdistan if they could. The refusal by the world's legitimate democracies to champion Kurdish independence is a human-rights sin of omission far worse than the clumsy, minor sins of commission that routinely excite our media. And by the way: A Free Kurdistan, stretching from Diyarbakir through Tabriz, would be the most pro-Western state between Bulgaria and Japan.
A just alignment in the region would leave Iraq's three Sunni-majority provinces as a truncated state that might eventually choose to unify with a Syria that loses its littoral to a Mediterranean-oriented Greater Lebanon: Phoenecia reborn. The Shia south of old Iraq would form the basis of an Arab Shia State rimming much of the Persian Gulf. Jordan would retain its current territory, with some southward expansion at Saudi expense. For its part, the unnatural state of Saudi Arabia would suffer as great a dismantling as Pakistan.
A root cause of the broad stagnation in the Muslim world is the Saudi royal family's treatment of Mecca and Medina as their fiefdom. With Islam's holiest shrines under the police-state control of one of the world's most bigoted and oppressive regimes — a regime that commands vast, unearned oil wealth — the Saudis have been able to project their Wahhabi vision of a disciplinarian, intolerant faith far beyond their borders. The rise of the Saudis to wealth and, consequently, influence has been the worst thing to happen to the Muslim world as a whole since the time of the Prophet, and the worst thing to happen to Arabs since the Ottoman (if not the Mongol) conquest.
While non-Muslims could not effect a change in the control of Islam's holy cities, imagine how much healthier the Muslim world might become were Mecca and Medina ruled by a rotating council representative of the world's major Muslim schools and movements in an Islamic Sacred State — a sort of Muslim super-Vatican — where the future of a great faith might be debated rather than merely decreed. True justice — which we might not like — would also give Saudi Arabia's coastal oil fields to the Shia Arabs who populate that subregion, while a southeastern quadrant would go to Yemen. Confined to a rump Saudi Homelands Independent Territory around Riyadh, the House of Saud would be capable of far less mischief toward Islam and the world.
Iran, a state with madcap boundaries, would lose a great deal of territory to Unified Azerbaijan, Free Kurdistan, the Arab Shia State and Free Baluchistan, but would gain the provinces around Herat in today's Afghanistan — a region with a historical and linguistic affinity for Persia. Iran would, in effect, become an ethnic Persian state again, with the most difficult question being whether or not it should keep the port of Bandar Abbas or surrender it to the Arab Shia State.
What Afghanistan would lose to Persia in the west, it would gain in the east, as Pakistan's Northwest Frontier tribes would be reunited with their Afghan brethren (the point of this exercise is not to draw maps as we would like them but as local populations would prefer them). Pakistan, another unnatural state, would also lose its Baluch territory to Free Baluchistan. The remaining "natural" Pakistan would lie entirely east of the Indus, except for a westward spur near Karachi.
The city-states of the United Arab Emirates would have a mixed fate — as they probably will in reality. Some might be incorporated in the Arab Shia State ringing much of the Persian Gulf (a state more likely to evolve as a counterbalance to, rather than an ally of, Persian Iran). Since all puritanical cultures are hypocritical, Dubai, of necessity, would be allowed to retain its playground status for rich debauchees. Kuwait would remain within its current borders, as would Oman.
In each case, this hypothetical redrawing of boundaries reflects ethnic affinities and religious communalism — in some cases, both. Of course, if we could wave a magic wand and amend the borders under discussion, we would certainly prefer to do so selectively. Yet, studying the revised map, in contrast to the map illustrating today's boundaries, offers some sense of the great wrongs borders drawn by Frenchmen and Englishmen in the 20th century did to a region struggling to emerge from the humiliations and defeats of the 19th century.
Correcting borders to reflect the will of the people may be impossible. For now. But given time — and the inevitable attendant bloodshed — new and natural borders will emerge. Babylon has fallen more than once.
Meanwhile, our men and women in uniform will continue to fight for security from terrorism, for the prospect of democracy and for access to oil supplies in a region that is destined to fight itself. The current human divisions and forced unions between Ankara and Karachi, taken together with the region's self-inflicted woes, form as perfect a breeding ground for religious extremism, a culture of blame and the recruitment of terrorists as anyone could design. Where men and women look ruefully at their borders, they look enthusiastically for enemies.
From the world's oversupply of terrorists to its paucity of energy supplies, the current deformations of the Middle East promise a worsening, not an improving, situation. In a region where only the worst aspects of nationalism ever took hold and where the most debased aspects of religion threaten to dominate a disappointed faith, the U.S., its allies and, above all, our armed forces can look for crises without end. While Iraq may provide a counterexample of hope — if we do not quit its soil prematurely — the rest of this vast region offers worsening problems on almost every front.
If the borders of the greater Middle East cannot be amended to reflect the natural ties of blood and faith, we may take it as an article of faith that a portion of the bloodshed in the region will continue to be our own.
• • •
Winners —
Arab Shia State
Free Baluchistan
Free Kurdistan
Islamic Sacred State
Losers —
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
West Bank
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Hark all you who hear me: ياسامعين الصوت
انت شيعي ؟؟ انت سني ؟؟
وين ساكن؟؟
يم الشيخ لو يم ابو النعمان
لو يم ابو الجوادين
وآنه بالحسينيه... بالجامع أدور منهو اليوم طاحوا
طاح أخوي؟...أنذبح خالي ؟...أبن عمي؟
ما أبجي عليهم... أبجي منهم
ياخايبين ضيعتوا الوطن
والوطن غالي أعز من روحي عندي
يسالوني انت شيعي؟ انت سني؟
وآنه للكاظم أبذاك الصوب ازوره
أنامن بالصحن من شمة عطوره
وبكربلا للحسين أتعنه ازوره...
من صغر ظفري وصغر سني
ويسالوني انت شيعي ؟... انت سني؟
آنه بالجوادين بذاك الصوب تباركت وأدفنت أمي
و بشيخ معروف نايم المرحوم ما من يوم وسألني
على امك أنت طالع لو على عمك النام يمّي؟
بالهويه ياخذوني اليوم ويسالوني وين رايح
انت سني؟
كلت والله للعباس جدي مِتعنّي أرد أشوفه ...
أسأله العباس سني ؟
كلت متعنّي أشوفن داحي خيبر الكرار أشكيله همّي
أرد أشوفن ويرضى الحسين بكربلا...
وبنفس الوطن ينهدر دمك و دمي؟
آنه ما ادري أصار بيينه ....
آخ وياوسفه الصار بيينه
الله واكبرسووهه بيينه
ياوسفه ونجحت خططهم
ياوسفه اللي طاحوا بالجوامع بالحسينيات اليوم
ذوله أولاد خالي ...أولاد عمّي
ياهالوادم من الصوبين أتفلش وطنّه
يهالوادم وصلت النار بحجرنه وأحتركنه
ياسامعين الصوت الجاي منهم أكثر من اليوم بحزنّه
ياسامعين الصوت كافي
أنت شيعي؟....أنت سني؟
ياخوي الوطن من الصوبين طايح
ياخوي من طائفية الشردتنه وطشّرت دمك ودمي
ياعراقي أصحى تره أتفلش بلدنا ...
ياخويَ احتركنه ما بقى بالوطن غيرالجنايز...
على الصوبين يمّك ويمّي
ياخويَ الاجنبي وج النار بيينه
ياخويَ وفرحان بذبحنه منّا بيينه...
ماله شغله يتفرج علينه...
أمجتف أبيده ويغنّي
ويسألوني أنت شيعي؟... أنت سني؟
ياخويَ ودير بالك
فلشوا الجامع الجنت بي وياك أصلّي
كالوا الشيعي علكها ...
والحسينيه فجّروهه...
وكالوا الفجّرهه سنّي
ياخوي وآنه للحسن والهادي أضمه....
من زمان انام وياه بالصحن من صغر سنّي
آنه افجره وصدّكت والائمه تاج راسي...
بعد ابوي وبعد أمي
وصدّكت تطيني اِيديَّ....
ومن زمان أنت تشيل همّي
ياخوي وصدكت لو نسيت أحنه بثورة العشرين أيد وحده ...
وبيهه أنخبط دمك بدمي
ياخوي شبيك وكافي عاد
العراقي باللبن فتّح
ُأهُم اللي شعلوهه وكالوا....
هذا شيعي.... وهذا سني
الرجاء نشر هذه القصيده لكل العراقيين الاحبة في وطننا العراق الجريح
Sunday, August 20, 2006
My Blogograph

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New claim on tycoon's mystery death
By Gordon Thomas And Martin Dillon
ELEVEN years after former Daily Mirror owner Robert Maxwell plunged from his luxury yacht to a watery grave, his death still arouses intense interest.
Many different theories have circulated about what really happened on board the Lady Ghislaine that night in May 1991.
Some believe the 67-year-old tycoon simply slipped into the sea, perhaps after a few drinks.
Others think Maxwell took his own life amid increasing troubles in his business empire - after his death investigators discovered he had been secretly diverting millions of pounds from two of his companies and from employee pension funds in an effort to keep solvent.
But now, after two and a half years of investigative journalism, we believe we have unearthed the true story of Maxwell's death and can reveal how he was murdered by the Israeli secret service, Mossad.
Our work, supported by documents, including FBI reports and secret intelligence files from behind the Iron Curtain, shows Maxwell had worked as a secret super spy for Mossad for six years.
The Czech-born millionaire and former Labour MP died the way he had lived - threatening. He had threatened his wife. Threatened his children. Threatened the staff of this newspaper.
But finally he issued one threat too many - he threatened Mossad.
He told them that unless they gave him £400million to save his crumbling empire, he would expose all he had done for them.
In that time, he had free access to Margaret Thatcher's Downing Street, to Ronald Reagan's White House, to the Kremlin and to the corridors of power throughout Europe.
On top of that he had built himself a position of power within the crime families of eastern Europe, teaching them how to funnel their vast wealth from drugs, arms smuggling and prostitution to banks in safe havens around the globe.
MAXWELL passed on all the secrets he learned to Mossad in Tel Aviv. In turn, they tolerated his excesses, vanities and insatiable appetite for a luxurious lifestyle and women.
He told his controllers who they should target and how they should do it. He appointed himself as Israel's unofficial ambassador to the Soviet Bloc. Mossad saw the advantage in that.
Having learned many of the key secrets of the Soviet empire, Maxwell was given his greatest chance to be a super spy.
Mossad had stolen from America the most important piece of software in the US arsenal. Maxwell was given the job of marketing the stolen software, called Promis.
Mossad had reconstructed the software and inserted into it a device which enabled them to track the use any purchaser made of the it.
Sitting in Israel, Mossad would know exactly what was going on inside all the intelligence services that bought it. In all, Maxwell sold it to 42 countries, including China and Soviet Bloc nations. But his greatest triumph was selling it to Los Alamos, the very heart of the US nuclear defence system.
The more successful Maxwell became the more risks he took and the more dangerous he was to Mossad. At the same time, the very public side of Maxwell, who then owned 400 companies, began to unwind.
He spent lavishly and lost money on deals. The more he lost, the more he tried to claw money from the banks. Then he saw a way out of his problems.
He was approached by Vladimir Kryuchkov, head of the KGB.
Spymaster and tycoon met in the utmost secrecy in the Kremlin.
Kryuchkov had an extraordinary proposal. He wanted Maxwell to help orchestrate the overthrow of Mikhail Gorbachev, the reformist Soviet leader. That would bring to an end a fledgling democracy and a return to the Cold War days.
In return, Maxwell's massive debts would be wiped out by a grateful Kryuchkov, who planned to replace Gorbachev. The KGB chief wanted Maxwell to use the Lady Ghislaine, named after Maxwell's daughter, as a meeting place between the Russian plotters, Mossad chiefs and Israel's top politicians.
The plan was for the Israelis to go to Washington and say that democracy could not work in Russia and that it was better to allow the country to return to a modified form of communism, which America could help to control. In return, Kryuchkov would guarantee to free hundreds of thousands of Jews and dissidents in the Soviet republics.
Kryuchkov told Maxwell that he would be seen as a saviour of all those Jews. It was a proposal he could not refuse. But when he put it to his Mossad controllers they were horrified. They said Israel would have no part in such a madcap plan.
For the first time, Maxwell had failed to get his own way. He started to threaten and bluster. He then demanded that, for past services, he should receive immediately a quick fix of £400million to bale him out of his financial difficulties.
Instead of providing the money, a small group of Mossad officers set about planning his murder. They feared that he was going to publicly expose all Mossad had done in the time he worked for them.
They knew that he was gradually becoming mentally unstable and paranoid. He was taking a cocktail of drugs - Halcion and Zanax - which had serious side effects.
The group of Mossad plotters sensed, like Solomon, he could bring their temple tumbling down and cause incalculable harm to Israel.
The plan to kill him was prepared in the utmost secrecy. A four-man squad was briefed.
Then Maxwell was contacted. He was told to fly to Gibraltar, go aboard the Lady Ghislaine and sail to the Canary Islands. There at sea he would receive his £400million quick fix in the form of a banker's draft. Maxwell did as he was told.
ON the night of November 4, 1991, the Lady Ghislaine, one of the world's biggest yachts, was at sea. Unknown to its crew, the death squad had cast an electronic net over the yacht to block all radio transmissions.
The security cameras on board had been switched off. After midnight there were only two men on the bridge. One hundred and twenty feet behind them, Maxwell appeared on deck.
He had been instructed to do so in a previous message from Mossad.
A small boat came alongside. On board were four black-suited men. Three scrambled on to the yacht.
In a second it was all over. Two held Maxwell. The third plunged a syringe into his neck behind his ear. A measured dose of nerve agent was injected. Robert Maxwell was immobilised. He was lowered off the deck into the water.
As Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent told us: "On that cold night Mossad's problems with Robert Maxwell were over."
The incontrovertible facts about his murder are contained in a previously-unseen autopsy report by Britain's then-leading forensic pathologist Dr Iain West and Israel State Pathologist Dr Yehuda Hiss.
Of all the documents in our possession, these reports confirm the truth about Maxwell's death.
Gordon Thomas & Martin Dillon are authors of The Assassination of Robert Maxwell: Israel's Super Spy, published by Robson Books.