Sunday, January 16, 2005


There are only two kinds of freedom that we as humans have; the freedom to think & therefore of choice and the freedom to dream & therefore of hope.

We sat at the Grand Hyatt a couple of friends and a reporter from Al Jazeera news channel. After the first half hour of bickering and venting my extreme displeasure at the media industry and its war that is carried out to the people, we decided to not tear each other apart and have a different sort of discussion.

The first would require a subject matter of its own being the eternal one regarding the patriarchal society and female belittlement.

The second subject was Freedom. Though he was, as most Arabs anti-western, yet as with most Arabs he spoke of the western freedom. I had to be the one, yet again to burst his bubble.

It is generally one of the greatest misconceptions that there exists something called absolute freedom, freedom I believe is the word that is coveted for the hope it portrays for the ideology of what may be. I asked him and my friends to imagine that they had they had absolute freedom and to follow the thought. One of the girls right away said “and then what”. Exactly. My point.

Were we to have the so called freedom that any individual would perceive, after satisfying all the urges and needs that we can we would then stand still and think, then what. Human nature dictates that one would grasp on to the hope of yet another unattainable thought or concept.

I told them there is no such thing as freedom, it is only an idea that the masses hold onto to give them hope to dream to imagine anything better than what they are at, at that moment.

In solitary confinement, a prisoner has the freedom to dream, to imagine, to release him/her self of the physical confines and travel with their minds, were it not for this, we would not hear of amazing stories of hope from the darkest of places.

We have been blessed in life to make a choice that is yet another freedom, the freedom to pick between taking that turn on the road of life or continuing straight ahead. Whether it may be right or wrong maybe questionable depending on your belief, at the end it is a choice we make.

I feel that those two are related, take a wrong turn and you might end up facing your worst nightmare. Be confined and dream of liberty, imagine ways to escape and find strength within that keeps you going.

Shhhh! don’t tell anyone that there doesn’t exist something called freedom and that it is only the hope in our minds. Don’t tell anyone lest you break their clear crystal dream hanging above, see here you have a choice to keep someone believing and give them hope, or burst their bubble not knowing whether they can stand the truth of life. I chose to tell you.

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