Thursday, June 21, 2007

Nazek Al Malaika - نازك الملائكة

Renowned Iraqi poet Nazek al-Malaika, who was famous as the first to write Arabic poetry in free verse rather than classical rhyme, died in Cairo, Egypt on Wednesday. She was 85

رائدة الشعر الحر نازك الملائكة في ذمة الله
توفيت في القاهرة مساء أمس رائدة الشعر الحر العراقية نازك الملائكة عن عمر ناهز 85 عاما بعد صراع طويل مع مرض السرطان، حسب ما أعلنته عائلتها. وولدت نازك الملائكة ببغداد في بيئة ثقافية وتخرجت في دار المعلمين العالية عام 1942.

عاشقة الليل

ظلامَ الليــلِ يا طــاويَ أحزانِ القلوبِ

أُنْظُرِ الآنَ فهذا شَبَحٌ بادي الشُحـــوبِ

جاء يَسْعَى ، تحتَ أستاركَ ، كالطيفِ الغريبِ

حاملاً في كفِّه العــودَ يُغنّـــي للغُيوبِ

ليس يَعْنيهِ سُكونُ الليـلِ في الوادي الكئيبِ

* * *

هو ، يا ليلُ ، فتاةٌ شهد الوادي سُـــرَاها

أقبلَ الليلُ عليهــا فأفاقتْ مُقْلتاهـــا

ومَضتْ تستقبلُ الوادي بألحــانِ أساهــا

ليتَ آفاقَكَ تــدري ما تُغنّـي شَفَتاهــا

آهِ يا ليلُ ويا ليتَــكَ تـدري ما مُنَاهــا

* * *

جَنَّها الليلُ فأغرتها الدَيَاجــي والسكــونُ

وتَصَبَّاها جمالُ الصَمْــتِ ، والصَمْتُ فُتُونُ

فنَضتْ بُرْدَ نَهارٍ لفّ مَسْــراهُ الحنيـــنُ

وسَرَتْ طيفاً حزيناً فإِذا الكــونُ حزيــنُ

فمن العودِ نشيجٌ ومن الليـــلِ أنيـــنُ

* * *

إِيهِ يا عاشقةَ الليلِ وواديـــهِ الأَغــنِّ

هوَ ذا الليلُ صَدَى وحيٍ ورؤيـــا مُتَمنِّ

تَضْحكُ الدُنْيا وما أنتِ سوى آهةِ حُــزْنِ

فخُذي العودَ عن العُشْبِ وضُمّيهِ وغنّـي

وصِفي ما في المساءِ الحُلْوِ من سِحْر وفنِّ

* * *

ما الذي ، شاعرةَ الحَيْرةِ ، يُغْري بالسمـاءِ ؟

أهي أحلامُ الصَبايا أم خيالُ الشعـــراء ؟

أم هو الإغرامُ بالمجهولِ أم ليلُ الشقــاءِ ؟

أم ترى الآفاقُ تَستهويكِ أم سِحْرُ الضيـاءِ ؟

عجباً شاعرةَ الصمْتِ وقيثارَ المســـاء

* * *

طيفُكِ الساري شحـوبٌ وجلالٌ وغمـوضُ

لم يَزَلْ يَسْري خيالاً لَفَّـه الليلُ العـريضُ

فهو يا عاشقةَ الظُلْمة أســـرارٌ تَفيضُ

آه يا شاعرتي لن يُرْحَمَ القلبُ المَهِيـضُ

فارجِعي لا تَسْألي البَرْقَ فما يدري الوميضُ

* * *

عَجَباً ، شاعرةَ الحَيْرةِ ، ما سـرُّ الذُهُـولِ ؟

ما الذي ساقكِ طيفاً حالِماً تحتَ النخيـلِ ؟

مُسْنَدَ الرأسِ إلى الكفَينِ في الظلِّ الظليـلِ

مُغْرَقاً في الفكر والأحزانِ والصمتِ الطويلِ

ذاهلاً عن فتنةِ الظُلْمة في الحقلِ الجميـلِ

* * *

أَنْصتي هذا صُراخُ الرعْدِ ، هذي العاصفاتُ

فارجِعي لن تُدْركي سرّاً طوتْهُ الكائنــاتُ

قد جَهِلْناهُ وضنَــتْ بخفايــاهُ الحيــاةُ

ليس يَدْري العاصـفُ المجنونُ شيئاً يا فتاةُ

فارحمي قلبَكِ ، لــن تَنْطِقُ هذي الظُلُماتُ


Monday, June 18, 2007

Smoking in Dubai

I am a smoker, I enjoy smoking, I ask people politely if they mind me smoking (anyone around)but I was I don't know what to call it, stunned? When I saw, not a 4 year old, but rather a baby, in a closed place servng shisha.

That and the beautiful scene of another baby in the front seat on mummy's lap the car moving.I'm not religiously fanatic about a lot of things, but when it comes to babies who cannot make their own decisions... I can't take it.

The funny thing is: I was at DIFC in the parking, when the security guard asked my to put out my cigarette! I guess cigarette smoke MUST be more harmful than exhaust smoke...

I respect that each individual nust have their rights respected, so please let us not forget some smokers' rights. The thing is there are only a few countries around the world that allow smoking, since Dubai & the UAE is a haven, perhaps it should be less stringent than others on this issue.

Before ANYONE preaches... here goes: we have had cancer in the family, both throat and breast... we have asthma and many other illness including heart disease oh and they're either hereditory (the heart) OR due to the effects of the war on Iraq (the cancer)- so PLEASE I really do know the effects of smoking, including the effects of EVERYTHING else that can kill us, like drunk driving, reckless driving, heat exhaustion, stress, junk food, any food and all other things that tax us as a part of simply being alive...

We will all eventually take the long road goodbye so perhaps since the whole world is going to hell, let us in some way try and live in a demise of civilized peace here in th UAE.AAAAAh there... got it of my more thing, a guy once wrote a letter to 7 days naming ALL the statistics that are behind the death caused by driving cars compared to smoking; obviously more (which is why I mentioned it) and he asked a question:

"are they gonna ban cars?"

Monday, June 11, 2007

Slow Down? My Speed is Monitored

I found this, interestingly on the streets of Abu Dhabi last week, any clue how?

I guess I must emphasize that my query was in good humour, it was a piece of paper....
As for being too close, well if you notice the tail lights you will know that we were definitely at a stand still, in addition to the phone camera having a zoom, small blessings of technology!
What I did like is that it triggered thought in to appropriate methods of punishment for speedsters...
A court would rule that they have a device attached to their car that does exactly as the sign says... much similar to those anklets for house arrest, now I wonder how many cars would carry that?
It would also limit the number of speedsters who cross lights and zoom at ridiculous speeds just to get caught on camera to have their car featured in both Emirates Today and Emarat Al Youm.
Now wouldn't that be great?! Also, since I am dreaming... a smiliar device which would actually snap a shot and record the license plate and image of tailgators who are too close for comfort.
I suddenly feel like Martin Luther King...
But! it does not stop there.. how do we deal with rudeness? I think I may have found it, but it's still being piloted by me, a simple classic strategy of not rising up to the bait/rage... I tried it a couple of times where I have smiled (not sarcasticallY) and asked him/her to slow down, be patient, or hold on.. Actually men seem to take it better... the two times I honked and it was a woman, I got "The Bird" - then, things got ugly but now I would just call the police, which I did last time.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Paying Du Bills

Ok, so here it goes, for the past 2 months I have had a wonderful adventure, it's called Du. I really really really tried to be supportive to this new network, I really really really tried to appreciate their teething problems that arise due its new existence, I really really do appreciate that those poor guys and gals in the customer care centre are working with NOTHING! They will try and help you but they have no rights to the following:

  • to reactiviate your account
  • reset your password
  • reset your username
  • tell you what your code is

As for Du, well I read the welcome package I was sold the number and was provided with thousands of locations to pay for this number of mine, but alas when the time came to make a payment in person, there existed only four in payment points in Dubai.

  • Al Ghurair Centre (do people still go there?)
  • Jumeira Plaza (was under construction)
  • Al Khaleej Center (supposedly in deira)
  • I think Ibn Battuta

So I thought ok let me try the only method since I am not passing by any of those places any time soon. I go to register online and receive a code (which I'll call the code) which one assumes it is a one time registration code that you don't need to remember 'cause you'll register your own password and user name.

I register my credit card and make a payment, and wait..... It doesn't go through, I call the customer care line, they check and then somehow it has gone through so I'm assuming rather than 10 minutes to reconnect it'll take 1 hour as I ask 'how long till my phone is re-connected?' the response did surprise me a bit '1 day ma'am'

I waited a whole day thinking it's ok, they've just started, I then tried using the phone after 24 hours.... nothing. I call back and they ask me again about when and how I made payment and how it should be through. They also tell me that they will log in a complaint and it should be done in a couple of hours.

4 hours later still no connection, I call back very nicely, patiently and actually very demurely as an unfortunate horrible motorcycle accident had taken the precious life of one of their young colleagues (May God Almighty rest his soul and tide his family through these most difficult times with patiences and prayers). I tell them that my line has yet again not been connected and we're at the weekend, I'm told that it should be resolved soon. They log another complaint. I call back in a few hours and they told me that someone will get back to me.... so I inform them that I am aware that no one will be contacting me anytime soon as it's the weekend so I'll still have to wait a couple of days.

Surprisingly (I'd expected Sunday) I got a call on Saturday from someone with slightly more authority who informed me that the reason why my phone has not been reconnected was not due to my bill payment or non thereof, rather that I need to pay 80% of my limit.

Excuse me? What limit? Who established it? Why was I not informed? Based on what was the limit defined?

Apparently my limit was one thousand something AED and I'd only paid around 750 AED so I needed to pay a further 261 AED. Why? Cause that's how it goes.

So I stall. I decide I will only make my payment next month following receipt of the A4 trendy envelope of more than 30 pages of double sided colour print detailed bill. (Re-cycling plant anyone...)

Today I went online to try and pay my bill... I had noted everything in my iMate but it crashed and all its messages and notes went into cyber heaven... I tried logging in, I'd forgotten my username and password, I call Du.

They tell me that Du to them not having a software to reset the password they will have to cancel my online registration so that I may register again and they would assume that this time if I may please "write it down somewhere" in that lovely tone of 'Oh I'm sorry you didn't write it down but one would assume you'd forget dahling!'

So I explain, that unfortunately the device where I kept my info has crashed and I am not really well today so please excuse me. Then in my sugary dumb chick voice say "I'll make sure to do that next time thank you"

I go back online hoping that now I can register and go ahead... right? wrong! Can't register... so I log-in and then I click on Pay Bill and get 'Please enter a recipient for this number. This recipient can be used to do SMS recharging'


wait, what sms recharging? I enter my Du number and it says:

'Discover the simple and easy way to manage your payments anytime.

Invalid customer status - [xxxxxxxxxx] '

So I enter my other number - nope nuthin'

I call again with a lot of frustration and explain to the CC rep that it's nothing personal with them that I'm frustrated but I unfortunately can't do anything, so he asks me to log-out and log-in and try again.


He then recommends that I pay by sms which will send an indicator to deduct payment from my already registered credit card and voila! Okay fine anything until we crack the website dilema.... and how do I do that? Simple, send a message to 135 typing in "pay (space) (amount)" I must then enter any three digits from my code. what code....?

you mean my password? no your code ma'am

you mean my username? no your code ma'am the code that you received via sms when you first registered (that which went into cyber heaven). Oh you didn't write it down, I suggest you do so for next time...

Oh and ma'am I'll log in your complaint do you still want to be unregistered and then registered once again? How long will that take? a while (meaning more than a couple of days) no just leave it alone!

well look ma'am we're really sorry but you should keep the code and we really don't have a software to reset... My tirade blows him away as he loyally tries to defend his organisation... I say: " pleeeeease stop coming up with reasons why things are not possible cause this really frustrates me" yes ok ma'am but I'm really sorry that this has happenned you see....on and on"
I reiterate several times, that as a frustrated customer it does not help by saying yes but... so please refrain from giving Du an excuse.... they have none.

And I left it at that... so where do I complain? I called my Du friends and said that I need to complain... (I won't mention their reaction) and told me to call the customer care center....