Monday, February 13, 2006

It's been a while...

It's been a while... and I haven't written, I haven't breathed, I haven't smiled and haven't thought. It's been a while that I have been barren, arid and dry, it's been a while.

I am not myself anymore, I don't seem to recognize me, am I more me than the guise that I'd seemed to be?

When I chose my name, Al Mulhama, I never realised how close to the truth it may have been... Upon searching on the net one would find many returns reflecting the Sufi faith but mostly it is the inspired self.

"The Inspired Self - Nafs al-mulhama

If the nafs al-lawwama progresses farther along the path, improving itself, becoming more tolerant and inspired, perhaps even creative, it becomes what is known as nafs al-mulhama, the inspired self. It develops a ‘live and let live’ attitude. It says, ‘why not?’ or ‘It’s crazy - let’s do it!’ Everything goes, even the wildest ideas.

I had lost this inspiration for four months now and finally, today, a trigger nudged from my slumber. I received an email from the author of a book Irving Karchmar Master of The Jinn : A Sufi Novel. which seemed to come from the mist as a wake up call. I will not go into Sufism as I know little if any, but I will say that it's spirituality heightens the soul to the nth sky, perhaps spirituality in itself does so for me.

In any event, coincidence, fate, kismet, call it what you may, has brought this to my humble doorstep and like a 10 year old faced with a ferrari, I didn't know what to do? where is the door? What is a window (this is begining to sound like Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance???)

A week ago as I was feeding my mind junk food and channel surfing I fell upon a 70's version of an older Arabic movie by the name of Rab'a Al Adawiya.

I reflect and think, I may have misplaced my inspiration...

to be continued...


  1. Anonymous23/2/06 04:21

    Salaam Alaikum Dear Al Mulhama:
    I wish to deeply thank you for mentioning my book on your blog, and for providing a link for those interested. As to your losing your inspiration, it has happened to me also, many times. And I have found that each time it happens, it is usually the result of my nafs intruding on my concentration. Indeed, then I go to khaniqah and into the circle of zikr, and usually all is clear once more. Prayer helps to tame the nafs and focus the mind and heart on what is truly important in this short life, that Allah is the source of all inspiration. Alhamdulillah!

    Ya Haqq,


  2. Hello, the inspired one,

    Yes, it's the name that brought me here.

    The rtick about inspiration. Start writing. Things will happen.

    The city of Baghdad happens to have a very large number of inspired personalities, no?

    copywriter, journalist, potential blogging sensation
