Saturday, December 05, 2009
حين تفكر في قتلي
ترفق وإطعني بلطف
حتى ارى اللذة ترتسم
على وجهك لحظة مماتي
ولتصلي علي لحظة سكون أنفاسي
حين ترتشفها وتنكسر
بين راحتيك أهدابي
فراشات مثل روحي تحتضر
ولتنتظر... برود أناملي
تلك التي لطالما راقصتها
في غياهب السمر
قف للدهر
كما مرت علي سنون وعمر
ورياح تتطاير من وراءها
حصاد القمر
ألم تعلم حينما قررت لمس الآله
بأن قلبها لإمرأة
بهمسة ينفطر
وحين وضعت كفك على خدها
لتسرق الإبتسامة من وجهها
كم دمعة ستنهمر
قف وانتظر
من أجلك أرخيت لثامي
وأسدلت على النهار ستاري
وخضبت بعد موتي أقدامي
احتفالإً بالنصر
والآن قررت بأنك
نبوخذ نظر ؟
وغزواتك بدوني
لن تكتمل؟
حين تنتهي من نحرالدجى
قف وصلي
على آلهة بين يديك تحتضر
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Here’s my letter to you today
The ones before I’d never written or typed on a sheet, I have, though, drilled the words through my head in memories of dreams. Every night I dread coming home and going to bed, the vortex that envelopes my being is dreadful, truly, when I’m out, I occupy myself to the fullest. Not a moment passes when my mind is not busy, could be twitter, or friends or a book or a café.
I hate being alone in my room and bed because inadvertently there’s no more energy to be spent and exhausted at five in the morning I pray that I drop off into a dreamless continuous sleep.
That hasn’t happened. What does happen is that the moment my head hits the pillow all the thoughts that are dormant amongst the feathers and fibers seep through my hair follicles and squirm into my mind, they creep slowly at first and soon they gain momentum until I lose consciousness into that pause that’s called sleep.
I wake and it’s only been an hour or two, I sleep and wake again, I read the latest news on twitter and sleep. Restless they sense my consciousness and burst into life! I close my eyes against their invasion but they come through every other orifice that affects my being they won’t leave me alone.
You appear, from nowhere, in a restaurant, a café, your car. You appear by my side, facing me, smiling. Your side grin, your eyebrows lift in emphasis, the words of an old Iraqi song smiles through your lips. And that’s about when the tears start to well. And by some miracle, even then I’m not allowed the pleasure of weeping. You distract me and everyone else distracts me oo. They won’t leave me alone these thoughts of you.
I need to go now to shower and get dressed... The shower is another alone region. The water droplets drum their way as other thoughts of you become them. You are now touching my hair and your hand on my face and your smile as if to say that we will always be together in the same place.
And the water pours not washing anything except my hair and body. Rivulets form and I remember your hand. In mine. And your lips kissing them, kissing my hand. Your face in my palm. “it’s not that you’re attractive, but oh my heart grew active, when you, came .. into… view.. I’ve got a crush on you… sweety pie..” Ella sing my woes, sing my smiles sing my soul. “Embrace me.. my sweet embraceable you..” Frankie, you’re friends.. do something.. NO! not “Domani.. “ it is your way and his way… it is no longer my way.. but perhaps eventually, it is the way that I have known all along. “I want a little sugar in bowl, I want a little sweetness down in my soul”
You wrote me a letter, and another one too.. I haven’t received the second one.. the thing is I want that letter. It was written for me, by me through you but for me therefore, it’s rightfully mine! Please give me my letter even if all that in it is lies. How naked can I be? More naked than under the shower, more naked than in the darkness of my soul, more naked than when one is dead.
Perhaps this is not a letter after all. I would never write you as I write this! This! What is this except a form of conversation with my mind? Sure you won’t read it! You won’t remember the address… this! A schizophrenia of thoughts jumbled to form in-coherent emotions in word format. This! How sad.
“it’s not that you’re attractive but oh my heart grew active..” Yes I know, but that exactly what got me the regular joe.
Gotta go juss joe! Remember? Remember joe? Remember what you said fifteen years ago in Montreal?
A letter you won’t read
I’ve decided to write you a letter
that you Haven’t read,
remember then
when our Souls met
and you promised
the sun in one palm
and the moon in a net?
Of rainbows
coloured with tears
from my heart
and blood
from your feet,
you walked
Through fields
of a jagged edge
To lay at the ends
of my lashes
of dreams
and clouds of thread,
to Entangle our thoughts
through history and smile
When we are dead,
to kiss the lips
Of life,
drinking its potent
of hopes and regrets,
hold my Breath,
while I count
eternity backwards
Till I come to regret,
in a grey cloud,
that Night
that we never met…
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Need to feel
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Sunday, May 17, 2009
أدب الشراب - لبشارة الخوري: الأخطل الصغير
أدب الشراب
فتن الجمال وثورة الأقداح
صبغت أساطير الهوى بجراحي
ولد الهوى والخمر ليلة مولدي
وسيحملان معي على ألواحي
يا ذابح العنقود خضب كفه
بدمائه بوركت من سفاح
أنا لست أرضى للندامى أن أرى
كسل الهوى وتشاؤب الأقداح
أدب الشراب إذا المدامة عربدت
في كأسها أن لا تكون الصاحي
هل لي إلى تلك المناهل رجعة
فلقد سئمت الماء غير قراح
رجعى يعود بي الزمان كأمسه
صهباء صارخة وليل ضاح
أشتف روحهما وأعطي مثلها
روحاً وأسلم ليلتي لصاحبي
روح كما انحطم الغدير على الصفا
شعباً ، مشعبة إلى أرواح
للحب أكثرها وبعض كثيرها
لرقى الجمال وبعضهما للراح
أنا لا أشيع بالدموع صبابتي
لكن ألف جناحها بجناحي
غذيتها بدم الشباب وطيبه
وهرقت في لهواتها أفراحي
إلفان في صيف الهوى وخريفه
عزا على غير الزمان الماحي
دعني وما زرع الزمان بمفرقي
ما كنت أدفنفي الثلوج صداحي
من كان من دنياه ينفض راحه
فأنا على دنياي أقبض راحي
إني أفدي كل شمس أصيلة ،
حذر المغيب ، بألف شمس صباح
Friday, May 15, 2009
أوريغامي - ثنيات يابانية
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Thursday, May 14, 2009
جس الطبيب خافقي
جس الطبيب خافقي
وقال لي :
هل هاهنا الألم ؟
قلت له : نعم
فشق بالمشرط جيب معطفي
وأخرج القلم !
هز الطبيب رأسه ... وابتسم
وقال لي :
ليس سوى قلم !!!
فقلت : لا يا سيدي
هذا يدُ ... وفم !
رصاصة ... ودم !
وتهمة سافرة ... تمشي بلا قدم
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
طال السفر والمنتظر لم صبره - للأمير خالد الفيصل
والمنتظر مل صبره
والشوق يا محبوب في ناظري شاب
رد النظر
خليت بالكف جمره
سعيرها في داخل القلب شباب
عز الخبر
والمهتوي ضاق صدره
يا من يرد العلم عن هاك الأحباب
طيفه عبر
ما أرسل مع الطيف عذره
هو خاطره من لوعتي ما بعد طاب
هو ما ذكر
أن الجفا فيه كسره
للخافق اللي من هوى صاحبه ذاب
يا ما سهر
طرفي على حبس عبره
اردها والوجد للدمع جذاب
دمعٍ حدر
جاله على المنع جسره
عظيم وجدي للدمع شرع الباب
يوم وشهر
عزاه والعمر مره
والناس واجد لكن الولف غلاب
الأمير خالد الفيصل
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Sunday, May 10, 2009
لم لا عربيات في سوق النخاسة
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Saturday, May 09, 2009
ما أعطيتني اياه!
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خفت ارفع السماعة واتصل فيك
في يدي نبض نور واحرف و ارقام
عييت تطلب الاحسايس وتناديك
دفا صوتك ورعشة كفوف وأوهام
والدمع يغيبني ويخليك
لاح الوله وترفض عروقي أنهار
غاب البلل منها في أراضيك
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Monday, May 04, 2009
RTA to allow parking fees to be paid via SMS service
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Sunday, May 03, 2009
Sana'a Day 1 (11 Feb 2009)
Sunny Sana'a smiles at u. The weather is gr8, we have stepped back in time! The bldgs ancient, people poor but so sweet. Our hotel is quaint, the room cute with candles around the walls. our window overlooks a tiny alley with telecom shops! The guys on the street said "hiiii"! It is a trip of days long gone by.
The smell of the place is so unique, there's fuel combustion mixed with the smell of fried food and wood ovens burning, the scent of a city is a strong part of its personality.
The sounds are just as distinct, one small window open and the whole street was in the room, mopeds whizzing past, motorbikes with broken exhausts filling the small space, cars in the distance, horns beeping every short while, the distant monotonous rhythmic drum beat from a stereo transforming the place into an open air concert and the untiring endless garble of children playing and talking as well as the youth on the street chatting and men gossiping. This was all in a room at Taj Talha
On our way we saw "the purple onion" cafeteria!
At al fakhir restaurant, our mouths are dancing with the fiery flavours of fa7ssa, selta, sa7awe8, 3eqdat la7am, 7aneet, cooked in ancient claypots from 100s of years ago and doused with the cool yoghurty flavour of shafoot and na8ee3 el zebeeb served in shimmering copper goblets with the yummy pull of the chewy khobz mulawa7
The intermission were two very short spelled power outages!
And the crowning glory of the honey drenched bent al sa7an culminated the meal washed down with gahwa gishr, shahi and shahi 7aleeb!
On our way back we passed by a resto called 3al hawa shawa!
Sana'a Day 2 (Thursday 12 Feb 2009)
Many blocks of varying heights with a multitude of windows filled the landscape, Huda called it a fairytale picture book in 3D.
I can go on for as long as we stood there and stared, but u still had to be there.
Tiredness from the trip and stairs saw us sleep like in a dream of a thousand years, that and the crisp coolness of the adorable room helped us stay longer in our cosy beds. Today we shall walk inshAllah.
We head twds the souk, old Sana'a and bab al yemeN, we walk into a live rendition of the yemeni part of global village, many scents, aromas and pungent odours invade the senses, it is an overcast day with dust and a cold breeze... The bookshops and the bead & silver sellers beckon - we walk thru the carpenters sector where all sorts of doors and windows are carved and each with a story to tell. Further on we meet our french friend who stays at the same hotel, Corrine directs us to the spice market, the heady smell of grains spelt, spice and flour spin their aromatic threads around us. What is really interesting is that women pass us and bless us... The men do too but that's expected. I saw an old beggar women whom we followed into a shop, the colours of her garbs were many different shades of pink brown & orange, that with a golden tulle mesh skirt and her scarf, she was beautiful in her poverty, as ugly as it is. Her blessings and prayers followed us around the souk & to our room.
We turned right & saw a fantastic alleyway full of materials shops... The one facing us had many different pieces with intricate embroidery, we sat at the shop chatting with Muthahhar & Ahmed. We spoke of Qat, daughters of officials, the origins of Arabs, the short attire of Adenites and again besides hamdani being best, the long Qat stalks from dar al hajjar are supreme! Apparently it is a skill to be able to 'store' Qat or give it a home in your cheeks ...(He gave me some to try, thatks a whole different story-i felt I was a cow or sheep) Some guys do both cheeks making them look like popeye but the avoid doing that in public as it may give them the evil eye!
We were tired, the air dry, and we hadn't anything to eat or drink for hours, we decided to head back for a cup of tea and some bread. On our way we saw gallery 1, it was lovely, Mohammed is a student of French at Sana'a Uni, a handsome face typical of mst yemeni men, a fine nose delicate features and hazel eyes, occassionally dulled by the effect of Qat, so we pick a couple of things to bargain for, as we sat there in walks a little boy of around 7, quiet, and solitary, when asked his name he only responded 3allawi. That was all he said for the rest of the time we were together. Then Fahad came in! He is 10 or 11, he asked in proper English "where r u from?" So I asked, where r u from and he replied "Eb"
We wanted to buy bread so Mohd said we must try the kodom, a whole wheat chewy do not unlike the egyptian bread served with foole.
It was hot right out of its furnace, we bid farewell to 3allawi first then after the hot dough we saluted Fahad.
Walking back we took a wrong turn which turned right! And saw three of the cutest fluffiest kittens scurrying into a crevice in the wall, even their kittens r shy!
As we reach our hotel we decide to discover the terrace of Daoud tourist hotel. The terrace of which we spent many moments in time observing it goings and comings through the broken wire mesh of our 1m squared window. We order 2 teas from dark skinned Adenite Sameer, who due to his city lifestyle in Aden seemed, in robust alpha male Sana'a, quite effeminate.
We came back to 'our place' as that's how it feels, the people in the neighbourhood, the hotel staff, even the streetwalkers, the all seem very familiar. We wash up, pray and head out with hermit-like abdul aziz to al fakhir for dinner.... We r starved! Well sort of.
Happy sat in abdulaziz's car we see the live bustling streets of Sana'a dance it's serpentine twirl of the Janbiya as we're carried thru them, cars intertwine with trucks and micro buses laden with San3anis of all different attires.
Abdulaziz spots a wedding celebration in a vacant lot formerly used by palestinian refugees. This lot looks similar to the ones in beirut and perhaps even cairo.
And they danced, rather meandered and twirled and shook their daggers (janbiyas) and wove thru, and twirled.. It was magnetic, the continuos drumbeats on metal and hide rising to a quick beat and then relaxing into a constant, and the daggers shake. They were in a world all of their own... What is so absolutely mesmerizing is when the groom joined and as a salutation they all joined and the line grew longer, boys as young as 6 or 7 to men in just as many decades.
They, in this male dominated world would remind each other to step out of the way so I could film and photograph. They, the same men would never stare at two black abaya clad arab women in a car watching their rituals, not here at the celebration nor anywhere did we feel uncomfortable due to overt staring or ogling as it did not happen.
Their quiet, dignified respect for us commanded the same be reciprocated.
Our stomachs served as a reminder of their emptiness and craving of the yet again delicious Yemeni fares, we dove into samak mekhbaza (fish in a clay oven - tannour) the unbelievable fa7ssa, oh and we had the most delicious clear vegetable soup in lamb broth from their sister Lebanese restaurant al waleema. Madame muna, talal and all the gr8 boys were delighted with us! Yesterday Radhwan spoilt us, this evening murshed amd bassam pampered us and murshed told us the name of the singer of "golli ya gazallee" as being hussein mo7eb.
Satiated stuffed and smiling we carried the 7aneed and the other fish for abdulaziz to share with us. He couldn't eat b4 as he was 'keeping' Qat. Boy does Qat rule most of their daily lives if not all! I mean it tastes like grass, u gotta chew and store in your cheeks, do not swallow, you need to keep drinking water as it may affect your kidneys, and must only have it after a meal. Abdulaziz had his in his mouth for at least 4 hours! The few leaves that I had barely made any impression on me whether by taste, feel or the non-existent pimple-like portrusion in my cheek. It's overrated I think but perhaps I didn't do it the right way, I mean the stuff rules a nation! As a citizen of yemen, in most countries outside of yemen u go to your embassy or consulate and they wiil give you your ration. It must do something!
We chatted till late at the reception with khaled who has taken care of us like sisters as have all the others from abdulwahed to ahmed. We spoke of life God, agathe, spirituality, God and our next trip in the morning to dar al 7ajar.
It was a chilly night especially as our room is qiblee and so we wore socks, doubled the blankets and put on our cardigans to bed.
Sana'a Day 3 (Friday 13 Feb 2009)
We also me harry potter of yemen, a cute 15 year old with round glasses named sattaam. He cares for a silver shop at wadi al thahr.
هل تعرفون حبيبتي بلقيس؟
As we drove I saw a slogan that truly touched me. It was romantic... Reminding me of wilfred owens poem 'dulce et decorum est pro patria mori' a poem describing the uglyness of war and how we feed our sons the noble saying that 'it's sweet & fitting to die for one's country.'
وطنٌ ا نحميه، لا نستحق العيش فيه
We drove along a dusty red road down towards the palace of "the prince of faithfuls, al mutawakul 3ala Allah" imam Yahya Hamiduddin. It was a dusty sandy day unlike any other days witnessed in sana'a. The road was red as the eart changed, it was a glorious terracotta of colour, the kind u can rarely copy or emulate, a brick colour of an eart rich in minerals painting the landscape.
As we arrived at the popular tourist spot w saw people of all walks and races, yemenis, arabs, westerners, black, white, yellow, brown and all shades of the almighty's creation in between.
The building was, in all truth, a glorious architectural creation of natural stone, its erection commenced, so they say, before islam. The tree at its entrance was more than 800 years old! The multi-leveled, multi-tiered structure is a wonder in itself as it stands atop the hillside over looking the rest of wadi al thahr.
At the 'lobby' level mafrajah where we sat and had juice to cool our sandy parched throats, whilst abdulaziz went for Friday prayers, is where we encountered the handsome groom and his friend and brother.
Sana'a Yemen - Day 4 (Sat. 14th February 2009)
Am not well at all... Thank God Huda's ok. What I'd love to know is what did I eat that made me feel ugh! Perhaps it was lunch? But it's at the same resto... Was it the tea? I dunno.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
يارب إن عظمت ذنوب - لأبي نواس (الحسن بن هانىء)؛
إن كان لا يرجوك إلا محسن فبمن يلوذ ويستجير المجـرم ؟
أدعوك رب كما أمرت تضرعا فإذا رددت يدي فمن ذا يرحم ؟
مالي إليك وسيلة إلا الرجا وجميل عفوك ثم إنـي مسـلم!
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Saturday, April 25, 2009
إلى رجل... بل إلى جميع الرجال
نزار قباني
متى ستعرف كم أهواك يا رجلا
أبيع من أجله الدنيـا وما فيها
يا من تحديت في حبي له مدنا
بحالهـا وسأمضي في تحديها
لو تطلب البحر في عينيك أسكبه
أو تطلب الشمس في كفيك أرميها
أنـا أحبك فوق الغيم أكتبهــا
وللعصافيـر والأشجـار أحكيهـا
أنـا أحبك فوق الماء أنقشهــا
وللعناقيـد والأقـداح أسقيهـــا
أنـا أحبك يـا سيفـا أسال دمي
يـا قصة لست أدري مـا أسميها
أنـا أحبك حاول أن تسـاعدني
فإن من بـدأ المأساة ينهيهــا
وإن من فتح الأبواب يغلقهــا
وإن من أشعل النيـران يطفيهـا
يا من يدخن في صمت ويتركني
في البحر أرفع مرسـاتي وألقيهـا
ألا تراني ببحر الحب غارقـة
والموج يمضغ آمالي ويرميهـا
إنزل قليلا عن الأهداب يا رجلا
مـا زال يقتل أحلامي ويحييهـا
كفاك تلعب دور العاشقين معي
وتنتقي كلمـات لست تعنيهـا
كم اخترعت مكاتيبا سترسلها
وأسعدتني ورودا سوف تهديها
وكم ذهبت لوعد لا وجود لـه
وكم حلمت بأثـواب سأشريهـا
وكم تمنيت لو للرقص تطلبني
وحيـرتني ذراعي أين ألقيهـــا
ارجع إلي فإن الأرض واقفـة
كأنمــا فرت من ثوانيهــا
إرجـع فبعدك لا عقد أعلقــه
ولا لمست عطوري في أوانيهـا
لمن جمالي لمن شال الحرير لمن
ضفـائري منذ أعـوام أربيهــا
إرجع كما أنت صحوا كنت أم مطرا
فمــا حياتي أنا إن لم تكن فيهـا
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
In today's world, anyone might... A Column by Naif Al-Mutawa
April 18, 2009 View in Arabic, French, Indonesian, Urdu ![]() A day after my friends staged their "attack", an Arab American student called a public meeting to protest the racism of the stunt. Why was he so upset? I didn't get it then. Now I do. During a recent lecture on the biological bases of behaviour, I passed out two articles to my medical students at Kuwait University, one from the New York Times and the other from New York Magazine. I had deleted all clues as to the identity of the subjects and the locations in the stories. I asked the students to read the articles and guess where the stories had taken place. The first article concerned a group of clerics, known as the "Party of [God]", who advocated serious consequences for those caught romancing on Valentine's Day. They warned that St. Valentine was a Christian saint and that celebrating this day was therefore strictly against their religion. And they threatened to immediately marry off any couples caught flirting. Opponents described the clerics' behaviour as "Talibanisation." My students imagined these hardliners harassing the poor romantics, and they were unanimous: this fiasco could only have taken place in Saudi Arabia. But my students were wrong. In fact, the incident took place in India and the deity in question was a Hindu god. Allah caught a break on that one. In the second article I gave the students, a woman complained that "stupid Talibans" had assailed her immediately after a gentleman stranger stopped her on the street to comment on how cute her baby was. When the man left, three minivans immediately surrounded the woman. Half a dozen bearded men jumped out and began interrogating her on the street: "Who was he? What did he want?" This time, the students were deadlocked on the location - evenly split between Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. Fixed in their minds were images of stick-wielding morality police on the streets of Kabul or Riyadh. It shattered the students' mental images to find out that this "Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice" was roaming the streets of New York, and that the religion in question was Judaism. Once again, Allah was not implicated. It has been shown that chimpanzees will go to war to protect their territory. I argued to my students that aggression toward others who don't share one's beliefs is nothing more than war over intellectual territory; religious faith is an intellectual line in the air. I concluded by saying that the religious extremists must be right about Darwin: clearly, there are no signs of evolution here. My intent was to advance the notion that extremism is nothing more than a bunch of neurotransmitters working overtime - or perhaps under time. It is not Islam or Judaism or Hinduism that creates extremism; rather, some people are predisposed to extremism and will pursue it in any faith. Yet it was fascinating to see that my students in Kuwait, by opting for Saudi Arabia as a likely location of both stories, seemed to associate their own faith, Islam, with extremism. The fact is that, in today's world, anyone would have reached a similar conclusion. In the age of the internet and satellite television, my students are not shielded from the misconceptions and misrepresentations of their faith any more than the Arab American student at Brown had been. But if Muslims grow up to identify extremism with Islam, and to believe that to be an accurate reflection of their religion, then we will have a far bigger problem than we ever could have imagined. Passing off aberration as the norm is a danger to all of us. And constantly setting the record right on what is and isn't Islam is the duty of every able communicator in today's multimedia world. ____ * Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa is the creator of THE 99, the internationally acclaimed group of superheroes based on Islamic archetypes. For more information on THE 99, please visit This article first appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer and was written for the Common Ground News Service (CGNews). For other worldwide coverage of THE 99, please click here. E-mail: |
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
رسالة للدكتورة حسنة ملص - قصيدة للشاعر الشهيد رحيم المالكي
بعد أن عجزنا عن مخاطبة الشرفاء لحل مايدور في العراق، إضطررنا لمخاطبة غير الشرفاء.
رسالة للدكتورة حسنة ملص
ياهو المنج أشرف خاطر أشكيله
دليني ياحسنة وباجر أمشي له
أمشيله وأحجي كل الحجي المضموم
كَبل حفاي كَالوا هسة ماكو اهدوم
بيتي من القنابل والقصف مهدوم
وحكومة بلا حكومة بغير تشكيلة
تنازع على الكراسي والشعب حفاي
وأبشرج لاغذاء لاكهرباء لاماي
إحنا أهل النفط والكاك عد زلماي
ياحسنة الحكومة تكَدر اتشيله
حكومتنا الرشيدة لييش هالتأجيل
أي مو مطرت علينا من السما سجيل
بلوة أبتلينا قابل إحنا أهل الفيل
أي مو هذا أبرهة خلوه يرد فيله
جوعنا أبرهة وجوع أبو الكفار
تلث اسنين أسمع ماأشوف إعمار
بس بعض الحكومة أصبحت تجار
بهاي أشهد ياحسنة ابيوم وليلة
تجار الحكومة والشعب حمّال
وياهو اليجي باجر نغير الحال
من هاية السوالف حملنا اجمال
إذا إنعدل وضعه ينعدل ذيله
حكومتنا الرشيدة لييش هذا البوكَ
ترة لهذا الشعب قط ماتضيع احكَوكَ
باجر بإنتفاضة إنشكَ كثير احلوكَ
عرفنا الباكَنه ونعرف اليوميله
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مقال في جريدة الوطن الكويتية"هدف سني بتمريرة شيعية"* فؤاد الهاشم
هدف سني بتمريرة شيعية
تحت عنوان »هدف سني بتمريرة شيعية« كتبت الزميلة العزيزة »إقبال الأحمد« مقالاً في »القبس« يوم أمس الأول نقلت كلماته من سيدة كويتية حضرت في ندوة انتخابية للمرشح طلال الغانم، و..نستأذن الزميلة »إقبال« في إعادة نشر مقالها في هذا العمود تعميماً.. للفائدة والذي تقول فيه
لماذا كانت الكويت جوهرة الخليج في الماضي؟ تقول
الشعر كان يعيش أفضل عصوره لما رثى الشاعر ملا عابدين الشيعي الشاعر عبدالله الفرج السني.
الموسيقى كانت تعيش أزهى عصورها لما كان التنافس بين ألحان سعود الراشد السني
وألحان محمود الكويتي الشيعي.
تسيدنا التجارة في الماضي لما كان نوخذة سني يبحر في بوم صنعه قلاف شيعي.
الأغاني كانت أحلى على عود حمد خليفة السني ومرواس فاضل مقامس الشيعي.
المسرح كان في قمته لأن الذي أسسه حمد الرجيب السني وأكمل مسيرته عبد الحسين عبد الرضا الشيعي.
ما كان عندنا طائفية كريهة لأن صوت الأذان المرتفع يختلط بين مئذنتي مسجد المزيدي
ومسجد بن رومي في شرق.
ما كان عندنا طائفية كريهة لما كان الناس يحضرون مجلس السيد الحنيان السني
عن مقتل الحسين في الحسينية الخزعلية.
كنا نعيش أزهى عصور الأدب عندما قام خالد سعود الزيد السني
بتوثيق حياة الأديب عبد الرزاق البصير الشيعي.
كنا نعيش الوحدة الوطنية لما يوسف البدر ويوسف الصبيح السنيان
وزعا الأكل على الفقراء من السنة والشيعة في سنة الهيلق،
ولما فتح عبد الوهاب الوزان الشيعي مخازنه لمحتاجي الكويت
من السنة والشيعة خلال الغزو العراقي.
وكنا أسياد الرياضة لما سجل فيصل الدخيل السني
هدفا في كأس العالم من خلال تمريرة من عبدالله البلوشي الشيعي
وسجل هذا الهدف باسم الكويت. .. .
لم أسمع تصفيقا في حرارة ذلك التصفيق الذي دوى في خيمة المرشح طلال الغانم...
وكأن الكل يقول نعم نحن كنا كذلك... ونريد كلنا أن نبقى كذلك.
الغريب أن نغمة جديدة دخلت علينا الآن.. أنا حضري وأنت بدوي.. أنا ابن العوايل و انت ابن المناطق الخارجية. أعيد كتابة ما سبق، وأضيف: نعم كنا نعيش أفضل عصورنا في الشعر والموسيقى والتجارة والمسرح والأدب، كنا نعيش الوحدة الوطنية بجلال قدرها وقمة معانيها عندما كنا نتحدث وننادي بعضنا بأسمائنا وأسماء عوائلنا دون أن يعني لنا الاسم أي طائفة أو قبيلة أو مذهب، لم نكن نعرف هذا السؤال.. هو سني أم شيعي.. مطيري ولاّ عنزي.. حضري ولاّ بدوي؟؟ لم تكن هذه الأسئلة في قاموس تعامل أهل الكويت في يوم من الأيام إلا عندما فجرها جهلة الكويت والحاقدون عليها.. والأميون فيها وان كانوا يحملون شهادات الدكتوراه. *** .. لوكنت موجوداً في تلك الندوة وعقب سماعي لكلماتها الرائعة هذه ... لقمت من مكاني واتجهت إليها و..»حبيت خشمها« لأن عقلها وإحساسها وضميرها تجاوز ـ بملايين الفراسخـ عقل وإحساس وضمير.. »طوال الشوارب«! شكراً للسيدة»الرائعة« وشكراً للزميلة إقبال!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
سل مضجعيك يا ابن الزنا أأنت العراقي أم أنــــــــا - محمــد مهدي الجواهري
في أحد المناسبات الأدبية في السعودية حضر فيها كل من الشاعر محمد مهــــــدي الجواهري و الشاعر عبد الوهابي البياتي وذلك في زمن حصار العراق وعلى غرار حضورهم قرر الرئيس صدام حسين سحب الجنسية العراقية منهم كعقوبة لهم فوجه الشاعر الجواهري قصيدته هذه في حق صدام حسين ردا على هذا الأجــــراء فقال :
فأنا العربي سيف عزمــــه لا ما أنثنــــــــــــــــــــــــى
وأنا الأباء وأنا العـــــــراق وسهله والمنحنــــــــــــــــى
وأنا البيان وأنا البديــــــــع به ترونق ضادنـــــــــــــــا
أدب رفيع غزا الدنــــــــــا عطر يفوح كنخلنــــــــــــــا
وأنا الوفاء وأنا المكـــــارم عرسها لي ديدنــــــــــــــــا
وأنا أنا قحطان منــــــــــي والعراق كما لنــــــــــــــــا
أنا باسق رواه دجلــــــــــة والشموخ له أنحنــــــــــــى
من أنت حتى تدعــــــــــي وصلا فليلانا لنــــــــــــــــا
أو أنت قاتل نخلتــــــي ذلا بمسموم القنـــــــــــــــــــــا
أو أنت هاتك حرمــــــــــة الشجر الكريم المجتنــــــى
أو أنت من خان العهـــــود لكي يدنسها الخنــــــــــــى
لولاك يا أبــــــــــن الخيس ما حل الخراب بارضنــــا
لولاك ما ذبحو الولـــــــود من الوريد بروضنــــــــــا
لولاك ما عبث الطغـــــات بأرضنا وبعرضنــــــــــــا
أنا ... من أنا ... سل دجلة سل نخيل بلادنـــــــــــــــا
أنا .. من أنا .. سل أرضنا تدري وتعلم من أنــــــــــا
وسل الأباء لبناتــــــــــــــه من طيب أنفاسي بنــــــــا
أنا دومة من رامهـــــــــــا غير الفضيلة ما جنـــــــى
لكن من يرمو لك حصنــه الرذيلة والفنــــــــــــــــــى
أنا في النفوس وفي القلوب وفي العيون أنا السنـــــــــا
أنا بالقرون بذاتهـــــــــــــا بضميرها أبقى أنــــــــــــا
سأضل في ألق العيــــــون وبين أجفان المنــــــــــــى
ويظل شعري كالســـــراج ينير داجيه الدنــــــــــــــــا
أنا إن مت فــــــــــالأرض واحدة هنا او ها هنـــــــــا
وأذا سكنــــــــــت الأرض تربتها ستمنحني الهنـــــــا
أو عرفت يا أبن الطينــــة السوداء يا أبـــــــن الشينا
أنا وخيمتــــــــــــــــــــــي علم يوطر درسنـــــــــــا
علم يحيي كل مــــــــــــــا قد مات فـــــــي وجداننا
أنا العروض أنا القوافـــي والقريض وما عــــــــلا
سل مضجعيك يا ابن الزنا أأنت العراقي أم أنــــــــا