Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sana'a Day 3 (Friday 13 Feb 2009)

Today we saw Sharayar of 1001 nights, of fairy tales and legends, today we saw the prince carrying his sword in all its glory sheathed in Gold. The groom was in celebration in dar al hajjar at wadi al thahr. His handsome face would have done many a tale proud, again that finely sculpted nose of nobility, hazel eyes, adorned with a skull cap embroidened with gold, dressed in a beautifully brilliant white thob, I wonder, if his Sheherazade new of his beauty, or was she far and beyond expectations that we can only read about them and imagine them?

We also me harry potter of yemen, a cute 15 year old with round glasses named sattaam. He cares for a silver shop at wadi al thahr.

هل تعرفون حبيبتي بلقيس؟

As we drove I saw a slogan that truly touched me. It was romantic... Reminding me of wilfred owens poem 'dulce et decorum est pro patria mori' a poem describing the uglyness of war and how we feed our sons the noble saying that 'it's sweet & fitting to die for one's country.'

وطنٌ ا نحميه، لا نستحق العيش فيه

We drove along a dusty red road down towards the palace of "the prince of faithfuls, al mutawakul 3ala Allah" imam Yahya Hamiduddin. It was a dusty sandy day unlike any other days witnessed in sana'a. The road was red as the eart changed, it was a glorious terracotta of colour, the kind u can rarely copy or emulate, a brick colour of an eart rich in minerals painting the landscape.

As we arrived at the popular tourist spot w saw people of all walks and races, yemenis, arabs, westerners, black, white, yellow, brown and all shades of the almighty's creation in between.

The building was, in all truth, a glorious architectural creation of natural stone, its erection commenced, so they say, before islam. The tree at its entrance was more than 800 years old! The multi-leveled, multi-tiered structure is a wonder in itself as it stands atop the hillside over looking the rest of wadi al thahr. 

At the 'lobby' level mafrajah where we sat and had juice to cool our sandy parched throats, whilst abdulaziz went for Friday prayers, is where we encountered the handsome groom and his friend and brother.

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