Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Secret Dubai Diary

Any time you want to push something forward, ban it!

Apparently, Etisalat (the UAE's sole telecom provider at the moment) has blocked access to this site: http://secretdubai.blogspot.com/ perhaps it delves into deeper, murkier waters of the Dubai social structure..

I read this in a local public newspaper...

hmmm... it saddens me, cause there is so much good and so much freedom of expression that something like this is more of an annoyance.

Etisalat had also at some point blocked a dictionary site and a translation site... go figure! At one point it took me TEN DAYS of pleading for them to block a site that showed pictures of a couple who had killed their plumber and decapitated him. they had posted those pics on this particular sitee. TEN DAYS! I coundln't access an online dictionary nor a translation site.

Perhaps it's a relapse. 'Cause there is are a lot of liberties here that are taken for granted, so it's a shame that this shouldd happen.

Does that mean if they read this, they'll block my blog? I wonder...

Monday, July 11, 2005

A Hunting Manoeuvre; by Mohammed bin Rashed Al Maktoum

She sent him his picture with a gazelle he had caught at a hunt and lamented that he speaks of their beauty and their elegance and here in the picture he rest his foot atop one of his kills… and he responds with this; an eloquent flirtation with one much akin to his prey…


منـاورة حيـة على صيـد مثـلك

ويمكن إذا حــان التلاقي أصيـدك

هذا شبيهك لي صرعتـه صرعتـك

عينـه وجِيده نفس عينـك وجِيدك

هـذي عيونـه ذكرتّـني بفعـلك

ما أشـد تهديدك مـا أكثر وعيدك

والثـار خذتـه من شبيـهك لعلك

أن تتعض يا من جمـالك  عضيـدك

حسبت ما اخطي من غرورك وجهلك

كل البشر أمسـوا أَمَـاك وعبيـدك

نعـم أحبّك وصــادقٍ مـا أمِلِّك

ولكنني رغمـاً على القلب سيــدك


محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم

Sunday, July 10, 2005

the games they play

They twist it deeper
playing their game
of blood and bones

pieces flying like...
birds! free from further pain
tendons, hair & flesh

segments out of sockets
the gore of it all
does this disgust you?

well it's true
and exists
in me and you...

the silent culprit
sitting and watching
others' lives go by

and still
some come
and ask to pray for peace!

for humane judgement
of past dictators
for extending mercy to prophets of terror

And I say give them
as good as they beget
bomb them, seek them, then
claymore and shred them

lest I forget,
it's those cowboys in designer suits
with too much money
and a power greed

that for them
there exists a need
to play russian roulette
NOT with their heads
but States of peple
as they lay smoking in bed.

Is there a fallacy to love?

What is this love,
that has had so many
die for it,
lie for it,
and even try to
kill for it...

What is this love,
this intangible touch
from a lovers breath
a kiss
a whisper
and forgotten promises

where is this love
of nights
of passion
of hunger & thirst
of thunderstuck visions...


To question after many years of belief the truth behind love and to glimpse a fallacy to those beliefs is devastating. I had disbelieved him when he said:

"There is no such thing as love, there is only a habitual yearning and a need"

and that is true? or is it?

there is missing,
there is passion,
there is need,
there is want,
there is habit,
there is jealousy,
there are sentiments of happy & sad but with different variations and all of those together form a compositeof a feeling that has been agreed upon to be called love.

I guess love exists not as itself, but rather as a froup of feelings and requirements in a certain theme, order and intensity that transcribes iself to be called love.

So, is there such an absolute feeling that we may know as love?

my mOnster

frOm inside his darkness
he peeks...

his head and
stumpy neck
eager tO eat...

mOre, he wants mOre!
frOm my stOmach
to my sOul

he wants mOre Of me
my mind he picks
and is instantly sick!!

full Of thOught and
heavy On emOtiOn
he still wants mOre!!!