Sunday, July 10, 2005

the games they play

They twist it deeper
playing their game
of blood and bones

pieces flying like...
birds! free from further pain
tendons, hair & flesh

segments out of sockets
the gore of it all
does this disgust you?

well it's true
and exists
in me and you...

the silent culprit
sitting and watching
others' lives go by

and still
some come
and ask to pray for peace!

for humane judgement
of past dictators
for extending mercy to prophets of terror

And I say give them
as good as they beget
bomb them, seek them, then
claymore and shred them

lest I forget,
it's those cowboys in designer suits
with too much money
and a power greed

that for them
there exists a need
to play russian roulette
NOT with their heads
but States of peple
as they lay smoking in bed.

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