Sunday, July 10, 2005

Is there a fallacy to love?

What is this love,
that has had so many
die for it,
lie for it,
and even try to
kill for it...

What is this love,
this intangible touch
from a lovers breath
a kiss
a whisper
and forgotten promises

where is this love
of nights
of passion
of hunger & thirst
of thunderstuck visions...


To question after many years of belief the truth behind love and to glimpse a fallacy to those beliefs is devastating. I had disbelieved him when he said:

"There is no such thing as love, there is only a habitual yearning and a need"

and that is true? or is it?

there is missing,
there is passion,
there is need,
there is want,
there is habit,
there is jealousy,
there are sentiments of happy & sad but with different variations and all of those together form a compositeof a feeling that has been agreed upon to be called love.

I guess love exists not as itself, but rather as a froup of feelings and requirements in a certain theme, order and intensity that transcribes iself to be called love.

So, is there such an absolute feeling that we may know as love?

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