Thursday, September 08, 2005

It's way past midnight...

It's way past midnight and I'm at 'roots' (an internet cafe on Edgware rd. in Central London) checking my emails... And I miss my friends and colleagues in Dubai.

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous, I'd been waiting for the rain and it came, in short spells as soft kisses by a lover long missed... I remember, my days long ago as a child in London, then as a teenager and then I remembered the loneliness that is also known in all of northern europe and North America....

It's like I've never really been away, it's like it was only yesterday that I ran around Kensington Gardens, or strolled with my mom & dad through petticoat lane, getting lost amongst the stalls. It all seems like yesterday yet it's not.

There is one good thing though, most places revisted after childhood you realise that it has lost its lustre like an aged movie star whom you discover was really a nobody or an old call girl whom has been retired for many years and then you find the truth... you discover its real character. Well not London.

I miss the regular bunch of people that I'm used to... I wish they were here with me... Yet, yet I feel kind of strange, as if I'm no where. I haven't left where I was, and aren't where I am.

Another thing, I've regained my older accent; the british one. I know many of my friends will make fun and think me pretentious but actually it's the first dialect that I spoke.

for now adieu... I was supposed to upload some images, but I guess I'll have to do it next time.

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