Monday, January 29, 2007

Women over 40 by Andy Rooney

In case you missed it on 60 Minutes, this is what Andy Rooney thinks about women over 40:

60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney (CBS)

As I grow in age, I value women over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:

A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think. If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do, and it's usually more interesting. Women over 40 are dignified.

They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it. Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.

Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40. Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart. Older women are forthright and honest. The y'll tell you right off if you are a jerk if you are acting like one. You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.

Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress. Ladies, I apologize.

For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?", here's an update for you.

Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage!

Andy Rooney is a really smart guy!

Bearnaise sauce - from Wikipedia

Bearnaise sauce – from Wikepedia

· 2 tablespoons tarragon vinegar
· 2 tablespoons sherry wine vinegar
· 1
· 2 egg yolks
· 1/3 - 1/2 cup (75 - 100 g) 3 - 4 oz melted butter (warm but not hot)
· salt and cayenne pepper to taste
· 1 tablespoon fresh chopped tarragon
· 1 tablespoon fresh chopped parsley
1. Put the vinegars and finely chopped shallot and herbs in a small saucepan; simmer until reduced to 1 tablespoon. This is the flavorful glaze. Strain and set aside to cool.
2. Add the egg yolks and whisk until the Sabayon stage (Ribbon Stage) with a balloon whisk.
3. Place the bowl over a pan of hot water and continue whisking. Gradually add the softened butter, whisking until the sauce thickens and all the butter has been added.
Season and serve.
· Note: To find the right temperature to emulsify the egg mixture and the butter, the bowl should be just hot enough so that you can still touch it. If you cannot hold the bowl it is too hot. Be forewarned that this trick may not always work depending on a multitude of conditions

From another website:

'Peel a shallot and cut it very fine. Put it into a saucepan with two spoonfuls of vinegar. Put it on the gas. Boil it until the vinegar has evaporated considerably. Add a spoonful of cold water. Salt. Lift it off the fire. Add two yolks of egg and put this little saucepan into a large one containing boiling water, holding the smaller one firmly. Stir quickly, with a fork. The mixture of water and yolk of egg will begin to thicken. At this moment lift the small saucepan out of the water, add two ounces of butter cut into pieces the size of a nut. Put it back into the hot water. Stir the mixture all the time with a wire beater. The butter melts and the sauce becomes creamy. Lift it out of the water a little. Add two more ounces of butter cut in pieces. Stir. Put it back into the water. The sauce thickens. Keep on stirring. Dip your finger into the sauce. If it burns, lift the saucepan out of the hot water. Stir fifteen seconds more. The sauce is ready. It should be thinner than mayonnaise. It should, however, coat a spoon which you dip in and lift out again. If you like the flavour of lemon, add a few drops at the beginning of the operation, before the butter. You are then much more likely to be successful with your sauce. This sauce is a delicious accompaniment for a fried steak or any grill.' He's right, it is delicious and it works.

Recipe: Taro Root or Colcassia casserole

Taro Root or Colcassia casserole – may be applied to most root vegetables

500g colcassia
1 quart Cream
Bread crumbs
Grated cheese
Ground pepper

Preheat oven 220C

colcassia chopped by length placed in a baking tray
add spices and ground pepper and some salt
add cream and mix with fingers
grind the bread in the blender for bread crumbs
sprinkle the bread on top
sprinkle some grated cheese atop.
Bake in the oven fro approximately 20 minutes

Yorkshire Pudding, as pudding!


  • 2 eggs
  • 300 ml Milk
  • 250g FlourA pinch of salt
  • Preheat oven at - 190C


  • Whisk eggs
  • Add milk, beat
  • Add flour, beat
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes (preheat oven for a few minutes)
  • Grease pan slightly
  • Bake for ~ 15 minutes
  • Peek only slightly to see
  • Add cream & syrup
  • Enjoy as dessert

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The 'LITTLE' things.

The 'LITTLE' things.

As you might know, the head of a company survived
9/11 because his son started kindergarten.

Another fellow was alive because it was

his turn to bring donuts.

One woman was late because her

alarm clock didn't go off in time.

One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike

because of an auto accident.

One of them

missed his bus.

One spilled food on her clothes and had to take
time to change.


car wouldn't start.

One went back to

answer the telephone

One had a

child that dawdled

and didn't get ready as soon as he should have.

One couldn't

   get a taxi.

The one that struck me was the man

who put on a new pair of shoes that morning,

took the various means to get to work

but before he got there, he developed

a blister on his foot.

He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid.

That is why he is alive today.

Now when I am
stuck in traffic,
miss an elevator,
turn back to answer a ringing telephone...
all the little things that annoy me.
I think to myself,
this is exactly where
God wants me to be
at this very moment..

Next time your morning seems to be
going wrong,
the children are slow getting dressed,
you can't seem to find the car keys,
you hit every traffic light,
don't get mad or frustrated;
God is watching over you.

May God continue to bless you
with all those annoying little things
and may you remember their possible purpose.

Pass this on to someone else, if you'd like.
There is NO LUCK attached.
If you delete this, it's okay:
God's Love Is Not Dependent On
E-Mail !!
(that's the cool part)



Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.

Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

Don't Cry Hawaar هوار لاتبكي!!

   هوار لاتبكي!! 
خسر منتخبنا لأول مرة في هذه الدورة و من الملفت للنظر أن أداءُه أو على الأقل نتائجه كانت و على عكس الفرق الأخرى في تنازل مستمر. فمن فوز في المباراة الأولى الى تعادل الى خسارة بينما كان أداء الفرق الأخرى (بإستثناء الفريق العماني الذي بقي أداءه ثابتا و قوياً) في تصاعد مستمر. لن أردد مقولتنا الشهيرة عن خيل الشرطة و لن أخوض في جدالات الإستراتيجية الأنهزامية التي إتبعها أكرم سلمان رغم إمتلاكه لأفضل تشكيلة في آخر عشر سنوات.

لو انني كنت متأكدا من خروج العراق من الدور الأول و كان لي الخيار, لما أخترت له خيرا من هذا الخروج المشرف, ظَلم بحكم "قليل الخبرة" و شاء الله أن تكون قراراته "قليلة الخبرة" ضد العراق!!! لعب بإستبسال الى آخر ثانية من عمر المباراة حتى أن النقص العددي بدا في بعض دقائق المباراة و كأنه لفريق السعودية و ليس للعراق. و شاء الله ان يكون خروجه في آخر دقيقة من مباراة البحرين و قطر إثر تسجيل هدف البحرين.  كل هذا رغم ظروفه القاهرة و إستعداده المتواضع و الذي لم يتجاوز الستة أيام مقارنة بمنتخب الإمارات مثلا الذي بلغ إستعداده ستة أشهر!!!!! كل هذا و كان خروجه بفارق هدف واحد فقط!!!! إذا لم يكن هذا أسد الرافدين, فكيف هو الأسد؟

لكن ليس للمباراة ولا  الكأس و لا للدورة قيمة تذكر إذا ما قورنت بالهدف الأسمى ... عراقنا الحبيب. لقد نجحت الرياضة فيما فشلت السياسة, نجح  الصغار نجاحا باهراً فيما فشل الكبار المخضرمين فشلاً ذريعاً. لم نرى العراقيون متفقون على شيئ إتفاقهم على مؤازرة المنتخب. وَحّدَت الرياضة ما فَرَقت السياسة والّفت بين قلوب العراقين "وَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ لَوْ أَنفَقْتَ مَا فِي الأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا مَّا أَلَّفْتْ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ أَلَّفَ بَيْنَهُمْ إِنَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ  - سورة الأنفال 63 "

و الله إن المشهد في مدرجات استاد أل نهيان لفوز ما بعده فوز و إنتصار مابعده إنتصار, إنتصار لعراقنا الواحد إنتصار لإرادة الشعب العراقي. لم يكن من أتى الى الملعب لمؤازرة العراق يعلم إن كان جاره الذي يحمل العلم سنياً أم شيعياَ أم كردياَ أم مسيحيا أم تركمانياَ .... و حتى إن علِم فإنه لم يأبه فالهدف واحد و الشعب واحد و العراق واحد.

 لن انسى ماحييت تلك الدمعة التي ذرفتها حين دخلت الملعب في أول مباراة و شهقت قائلاً "هاي شنو؟ و أحنة مدوخين نفسنة و دَنّظم باصات!!!! 7 باصات جلبت 238 متفرجاً لم تسنح لهم الفرصة بدخول الملعب لإمتلاء المدرجات!!!!" ذرفت تلك الدمعة فرحاً قائلا في نفسي "بعده العراق أبخير, بلد هيجي أهله غيورين علية ميضيع إنشاء الله".

لم يسكت موبايلي عن الرنين, "ها ؟ ساعة بيش المباراة؟ شوكت رايح؟ شلون معنويات الشباب؟ " و جوابي لبعضهم "ولك اتة شجابك عالطوبة؟" و جوابه "ياطوبة بابة؟ هذا العراق!! نعم هذا والله هو العراق و ذولة أحنة العراقيين!!! والله هذا العراق  مو عراق الذبح و الدم و الطائفية.

فسيفساء الشعب العراقي تجلًت في ابهى صورها في موزاييك المنتخب العراقي. المنتخب العراقي – العراقي 100%- لاتجنيس و لا مدربين أجانب و لا معسكرات بأوربا. خسئ من قال أن العراق كردياَ أو شيعياَ أو سنياَ و خسئ من يقول أن الشيعة أو ألسنة أو الأكراد ليسوا عراقيين و إن كان لديه شك فلينظر الى أسودنا في الميدان. أسودنا في ميدان السلم و المحبة والمنافسة الشريفة. أسودنا في الرياضة و ليس _ _ _ نا في الحرب و القتل و التشريد. وإن بقي لديه شك في ذلك فلينظر الى أسدنا هّوار و هو يصول و يجول في الملعب و يحصل على أحسن لاعب في مبارتين (و في رأيي ثلاث مباريات). فلينظر الى دموع هّوار (سودة عليه) بعد المباراة ليعرف إن كان هوار الكردي عراقياً أم لا. دموعك غالية علينا يا هّوار و الله حري بك أن تضحك ملئ شدقيك و تفخر . تمنيتُ أن أكون كرديا لأفخر بك ياهّوار!

بس همزين عراقي آني و إته عراقي وأفتخر بيك.

هّوار أرفع راسك ...... هّوار لاتبكي.

طالب الخلف

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Zahlawi زحلاوي

يللي إسمك على لسان كل اهل الگهاوي
        وحديثك يرويه كل قاص وكل راوى
ياالمنصوب على الميز يا بطل زحلاوى
        والكعدة وياك تحلا بزلاطة ومشاوى
 كل مصّة منّك الف تعادل وتساوى

وتنسّى الواحد شجان بفكره ناوى

وتحلا بيك ام كلثوم وعود مكّاوى
        والموشاعر تلگى رصافى لو زهاوى
 ياملهم السياب وحب كل بصراوى

خلّلى عصيرك چرك زهدى لوخستاوى

لكن رخصك يموت عليه كل مصلاوى

وشربك السحر كلّه يجرح ويداوى

ومن جوّه راسك المشاكل والبلاوى

يشهد ابو نوّاس والنهضة والعَلاوى

ياحبيب المشخاب والدليمى وراوى

وكلدانى اشورى يزيدى والمنداوى

غدار ما تتأمّن يابطل الزحلاوى
        بأول ربع المحترف يرجع يصير هاوى

وبالنص السبع بيهم ينگلب واوى

مكرود تصدر بحقك بيانات وفتاوى

الشيعى يمنعك ويكتب ضدّك شكاوى
        والسنّى يحرّمك ويلطشك بالسكتاوى

ويدِفعون بيك لو ما عدهم كراوى
        بس العيب البيك ويّه الكل تخاوى

هذا طبعك ودومك مزهى يا غاوى
        ويزهى بيك التتن ولفّة السبعاوى

ودومك تضل فخر يابطل الزحلاوى


Monday, January 22, 2007

Iraqi عراقي


عراقي وأصيح بعالي صوتي


وأظل للموت جنسيتي عراقي


وإذا مستثقل إسمي هم أجي وياك


شيل(ع) بس هم أبـقى راقي


IMPORTANT - The Tale of Two Nazanins


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Shoe Democracy

ديمقراطية القنادر ؟
عبد الأله سباهي

بحثت بجد عن البداية التي استخدم فيها الإنسان القنادر ( الأحذية ) وهل للقنادر استخدامات أخرى غير المخصصة لأجلها أصلا . وبحثت فيما إذا كان لها دور في التربيته النفسية والاجتماعية .
فوجدت أن المسألة " أعتق من اليمني وعدت بخفي حنين .
وجدت في كتب التاريخ أن القنادر والأخفاف دخلت الأساطير والأدب الديني وحتى في الكتب الدينية المقدسة مثل ( اخلع نعليك يا موسى إنك في الوادي المقدس – قران كريم- ) . و وجدت أن ( القنادر ) دخلت الأدب العربي كبطل للقصة ، كما في قصة ( أبو القاسم الطنبوري) وكذلك في الأدب الغربي كما في قصة ( سيندرلا ) حيث لعبت القندرة دورا أساسيا في مصير الأمير .
ويصل الحرص على الحذاء إلى الحد الذي دخل فيه في أمثالنا الشعبية مثل ( بيه ولا بالأحمري ) . و ( جوعان يعلجله بعلج وحفيان لابسه حذه ) ...إلخ.
ثم وجدت ملكات وأميرات رصعن أحذيتهن بالجواهر كطريقة لإظهار نعمة الله على عبده كما فعلت الأميرات العباسيات والأندلسيات وغيرهن .
وفي تأريخنا القريب كان العراقي يحافظ على حذاءه الجديد ولا يلبسه إلا بعد أن يبلى القديم ويعجز الرقاع عن إصلاحه .
دخلت القنادر في السياسة أيضا على يد الرئيس السوفيتي خرشوف في هيئة الأمم المتحدة وكذلك على يد أبو تحسين عند الإطاحة بتمثال الصنم صدام .
كان لصناع الأحذية في العراق مكانة مرموقة . فلا زلت أذكر صانع أحذية العائلة المالكة الأسطة ( بطمنيان ) في شارع المستنصر وكيف كان ابنه الأخرس يستنكف من الانحناء إلى الأرض لالتقاط الدرهم الذي سقط منه عليها ، بينما كان أجري في تلك الفترة درهما واحدا لا غيره لليوم الواحد .
وجاءت عادة استخدام الحذاء كسلاح أو استخدامه كوسيلة للضرب والحط من مكانة المضروب به في فترة الحكم العثماني وعلى يد ولاته و وكلائهم المتعجرفين في العراق. ثم شاعت تلك العادة بين (الأشقيائية) وانتشرت بين المجرمين وحثالة المجتمع .
ولكن في السويد استخدمت القنادر كوسيلة لتحقيق الديمقراطية على يد العراقيين !
فقد سمعت بأن أحدهم كان يلقي خطابا في إحدى الندوات في إحدى مدن السويد الجنوبية. وقد أغاظ الخطيب الفظ مستمعيه بعباراته النابية فراحوا يرشقونه بالقنادر حتى أن البوليس السويدي المذهول من تلك الممارسة" الديمقراطية" هب لنجدته وإنقاذه من القنادر التي ملأت المسرح .
في بلد مثل السويد يرشق العراقيون وهم دعاة حوار وديمقراطية الخطيب الذي لا تروق لهم كلماته بالقنادر ! ترى بماذا يرشقوننا اليوم دعاة الديمقراطية في بغداد ؟
أما آن الأوان لنا أن نتحضر ونترك ديمقراطية القتل والقهر والمحاصصة ؟
وندحض القول بالقول والكلمة بالكلمة لا بالقندرة أو اللكمة ؟
كتبت شيئا عن ديمقراطية القنادر قبل زمن واليوم .
وما اشاهده يوميا من قطع للرؤوس وجرائم فرق الموت والمفخخات والقتل والتهجير بحجة إعلاء دين الله ! ونصرة مذهبه وبحجة تحرير الوطن وتحقيق الحقوق القومية وغيرها. يجعلنا ندعو لتطبيق ديمقراطية القنادر في عراقنا المنكوب بدل هذا الموت أو نترحم على كل دكتاتور مجرم عاث فسادا في دار السلام .

17/1 /  2007   

"Dream Deferred"

I write to inform you that the Hands Across the Mideast Support Alliance (HAMSA) has re-launched the "Dream Deferred" Essay Contest on Civil Rights in the Middle East.  Anyone under the age of 26 can enter, and finalists can win up to $2,000 in cash prizes!

The contest (see challenges young Americans and young Middle Easterners to express constructive ideas for individual rights in the world's least-free region. 

Judges for the essay contest include Azar Nafisi (author of the best-seller Reading Lolita in Tehran), Shafeeq Ghabra (founding President of American University in Kuwait) and Gloria Steinem (founder of Ms. Magazine), as well as noted Middle Eastern bloggers Ammar Abdulhamid of Syria and Mahmoud Al-Yousif from Bahrain. 

We hope to awaken American and Middle Eastern youth to the reform efforts of brave individuals in the region.  Ultimately, we aim to inspire young people to support these initiatives and to contribute their own ideas for civil rights programs. 

The deadline for the contest is January 31, 2007 and we hope you consider submitting an essay.  If you have any questions please send an email to 

Thank you,

Emmanuel Benhamou
Essay Contest Coordinator

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Iraq Plays today at Khaleeji 18

What a feeling... what is it with this powerful tug at our hearts and lungs called my country?

"Dulce e decorum est pro patria mori" a cynical poem by Wilfred Owen... It is sweet and fitting to die for ones country. Is it?

well there is so much gained by sport, like the game being played today, but death? Well people now are killing & being killed not for ones country but rather for someones belief (true or untrue that is debateable), someones thought.. and they think its for the motherland, they CLAIM it's for the motherland.

Today, Iraqi's from all across the UAE are showing the true mettle of our nation, all of us, Muslims (Sunnis, Shiites), Christians (Catholics, Chaldeans & Orthodox), Sabean Mandaen and people from all mixes of faiths, races and beliefs who are united by being Iraqi, are going to Abu Dhabi to support our team on their first match.

Buses are going out from Sharjah & Dubai which have been sponsored by generous Iraqi businessmen fighting to dissolve the divide created by malicious opportunistic fools.

We are hoping to have more financial support to have buses go out for each and every game our team plays to resist in our own peaceful way, as sport is, the rift created. To try, in someway, to show those who are causing this, that we as Iraqi's are united, even if they try to divide us, we will fight it peacefully, through sports, and other civil ways.

So for the sake of this unity and on this peaceful land of the UAE (May God almighty protect it and keep it thriving with success under its gracious leadership across the seven Emirates), may our teams play their best and may the best playing team win.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Turmoil الفتنة




شعر الأستاذ المحامي تحسين عبد الجبار إسماعيل


من وحي هموم العراق الجريح


بيت شعر قرأته منذ أعوام      وأدركت صـدق ما جاء فيه

"رب يوم بكيت فيه ولمــا    صرت في غيره بكيت عليه"

شرح الواقـع المرير لقومي     ولشعبي في كل ما يعنيـه

كيف صرنا ننازع الجــار   وكنـا من قبلهــا نحميـه

كـان حتى اليهـودي فينـا   آمنــا ليس من يؤذيـــه

فإختلاف الأديان أمل من الله    مـا لنـا قط شــأن فيـه

إنها الفتنة المريعة فاصحـو  آن أن تدركـوا الذي تبتغيـه

يصرخ البعض قائلا انت سني  فابعــد ودع علي وبنيـه

شأنهم شـأن من كفَّر البعض   كــأن الحساب رهن يديه

وتناهى لعقله إنه الحــق     وأمر التكفيرحكـر عليــه

منطق ما أقــره الديـن      ومـا من مسلم يرتضيــه

كلنا شيعة الإمـام فمهـلا هو فخـر الرسول بل وأخيه

فاعملوا الفكر أخوتي حيث أنا  منـذعشنا لبعضنــا نفتديه

ولنا موطن حفظناه بالحـب    حذاري من أن نفـرط فيـه

العراق الحبيب أوشك ينهـار   فهبّـو لوحـدَةٍ تنجيـــه


دبي كانون ثاني 2007

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Iraq, Islam.

They are doing to Iraq what has been done to Islam.

Sectarianism & a different 'Conspiracy Theory'

I don't understand.

Look, Listen & Learn. That also happened to be the name of a school book at primary school. Children understand yet adults choose to be blind.

The U.S. is supposed to be intelligent. They must be - they should be. Otherwise how else would they be able to manipulate most of the world? Let us not kid ourselves! They do.

So speaking from this prospect, why the hell did they allow or permit for the glorification of Saddam.

Here you have people calling him brave, hero not less. Others support it by his refusal to have his face covered as one who is not afraid to face death.

Look at it from this perspective please, Had his face been covered, people would have doubted to the last minute that the person hanged was Saddam, there would have been claims that it was fabricated.

Odd. Well planned.

Additionally, even the bravest of men who believe in their cause, have blind faith in their deeds, especially those who claim to be faithful to God; whether Moslem, Christian or Jew, would still at the thought of meeting their maker; tremble ever so slightly, would feel for a moment an instant of “What if..?” He showed that he went through none. As described by all those who seem to have become his new best friends, “he was brave, he did not tremble, and he responded to those who taunted him strongly and eloquently”. At the hanging, someone recited a prayer & chanted Mudtada Al Sadrs name; another psychotic mind perhaps deserving a similar ending for his atrocities and hands that are bathed in blood, but that’s a whole different story.

Someone: “Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada”
Someone else: “To hell!”
Another: “Please no, Please no” (as in no comments)
Saddam: “such a good….”
Saddam: “This is ….. what…. wanted”
Someone else: “To hell”
Saddam: “….the enemies”

So here this shows how he has nerves of steel, so they say, he is even arguing with some of the spectators. What human about to face death can do that – go on, I know you’re dying to glorify him… It is not glory, nor is it strength, it is one of two: this man is utterly convinced in that what he has done was absolutely right and he is bereft of any wrong doing and that he is absolved of any sins OR (a strong or) as one BBC reporter said at his trial:
“Saddam was being led out of the courtroom following the announcement of his sentence and his route would make pass in front of me, the man had a slight smile and a look on his face that said that every thing went as he had wanted”

This had all been expected, planned. A colleague of mine stated something that rang true, why allow him this image in court of a defiant strong man of God, a man able to sway people’s minds (albeit some people) with his passionate words.
Then continue with this charade for his execution, face uncovered-hanging-fallen-face shown.

Here's the deal, Saddam was executed on one case, that of Dujail which is a Shiite issue. So they didn't wait to try him for Halabcha; The Anfal case which was Kurdish.

The took the pleasure from many Kurdish, they took the pleasure of many Sunni’s; they took the pleasure of many Christians, Jews & Sabeans, and a lot of Shiites. Why? Because he was compared to the Eid Sacrifice. He never deserved that honour of being compared to a sheep being sacrificed at Eid for God. Why??? He was a monster, why was the pleasure of seeing him have a just punishment be taken away from many? Because he was GLORIFIED. The full extent of his horrors weren’t put forth in court.

Saddam Hussein is a man who has put many to death, perhaps his smile might have been a form of curiosity to find out what it is that put the look of terrified horror on his victims faces, perhaps it was because things were going “as he’d planned”. I somehow believe that.

Are you saying that the supposed video was leaked? Give us credit for some intelligence. I actually was expecting, no, awaiting it the next day.

Feed sectarianism & fanaticism.

Even for his hanging, though the government is equally Kurds & Arabs, no Kurds seem to be present, even though there was mention of their presence, make all Iraqi Shiites look like supporters of Muqtada Al Sadr, make all Iraqi Shiites look like they are loyal to Iran. Allow all hell to break loose.

The million dollar question is: Now, what’s the plan?

You have made your enemy & the enemy of many, a hero, why? Is he going to spend the rest of his life sipping martinis on some far away island with a smile on his face observing the goings on?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Fed up!

To all those who object to the hanging of Saddam Hussein; whether based on religion, international relations, external policies, human rights, animal rights, any rights please think of all those he put in the human meat grinder, think of the prisoners in underground prisons which he built shut before he went in to hiding. Think of all those who are suffering now & today, think of all the children killed by his chemical warfare and those left deformed.

Think of everyone who has lost a father, a mother, a sister, a brother a child or any member of family under his rule. Think of all the girls who were raped and murdered by his sons of which he knew about, Think of all the MEN who were raped under his rule, think of the victims where he'd let loose on them trained vicious dogs hungered for days, think of all the academics who were tortured and executed,

Think of those who were executed by mistake, and then his regime would apologise for it. "Sorry we executed your son by mistake".

So when you can place yourself in any of their shoes - NOT - whilst sitting in the comforts of your home then we will listen to you defend him.

Oh! As for all who claim Arab nationalism/Islam, where were you when Saddam was doing all this to his people? Busy feeding the fire of fanaticism or stoking it with sectarian thoughts. WHERE WERE YOU THEN? Islamists claiming this to be inhuman and humiliating and against the religion; think of the many torture chambers with stains of blood that the years can't remove. Think of Iraq during the past 20 years when people had no drinking water at times when Saddam would save all the sweet water for his dolphinarium. Money spent on his fine suits and arms while children were getting sicker by the minute.

His death may or may not solve much, his absence is better than his presence & his death, though tame in manner compared to what he usually likes, is some form of peace for all REMAINING relatives of his victims.

If anything, please have some respect for some of his victims, may you never see what they saw.