Thursday, January 04, 2007

Sectarianism & a different 'Conspiracy Theory'

I don't understand.

Look, Listen & Learn. That also happened to be the name of a school book at primary school. Children understand yet adults choose to be blind.

The U.S. is supposed to be intelligent. They must be - they should be. Otherwise how else would they be able to manipulate most of the world? Let us not kid ourselves! They do.

So speaking from this prospect, why the hell did they allow or permit for the glorification of Saddam.

Here you have people calling him brave, hero not less. Others support it by his refusal to have his face covered as one who is not afraid to face death.

Look at it from this perspective please, Had his face been covered, people would have doubted to the last minute that the person hanged was Saddam, there would have been claims that it was fabricated.

Odd. Well planned.

Additionally, even the bravest of men who believe in their cause, have blind faith in their deeds, especially those who claim to be faithful to God; whether Moslem, Christian or Jew, would still at the thought of meeting their maker; tremble ever so slightly, would feel for a moment an instant of “What if..?” He showed that he went through none. As described by all those who seem to have become his new best friends, “he was brave, he did not tremble, and he responded to those who taunted him strongly and eloquently”. At the hanging, someone recited a prayer & chanted Mudtada Al Sadrs name; another psychotic mind perhaps deserving a similar ending for his atrocities and hands that are bathed in blood, but that’s a whole different story.

Someone: “Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada”
Someone else: “To hell!”
Another: “Please no, Please no” (as in no comments)
Saddam: “such a good….”
Saddam: “This is ….. what…. wanted”
Someone else: “To hell”
Saddam: “….the enemies”

So here this shows how he has nerves of steel, so they say, he is even arguing with some of the spectators. What human about to face death can do that – go on, I know you’re dying to glorify him… It is not glory, nor is it strength, it is one of two: this man is utterly convinced in that what he has done was absolutely right and he is bereft of any wrong doing and that he is absolved of any sins OR (a strong or) as one BBC reporter said at his trial:
“Saddam was being led out of the courtroom following the announcement of his sentence and his route would make pass in front of me, the man had a slight smile and a look on his face that said that every thing went as he had wanted”

This had all been expected, planned. A colleague of mine stated something that rang true, why allow him this image in court of a defiant strong man of God, a man able to sway people’s minds (albeit some people) with his passionate words.
Then continue with this charade for his execution, face uncovered-hanging-fallen-face shown.

Here's the deal, Saddam was executed on one case, that of Dujail which is a Shiite issue. So they didn't wait to try him for Halabcha; The Anfal case which was Kurdish.

The took the pleasure from many Kurdish, they took the pleasure of many Sunni’s; they took the pleasure of many Christians, Jews & Sabeans, and a lot of Shiites. Why? Because he was compared to the Eid Sacrifice. He never deserved that honour of being compared to a sheep being sacrificed at Eid for God. Why??? He was a monster, why was the pleasure of seeing him have a just punishment be taken away from many? Because he was GLORIFIED. The full extent of his horrors weren’t put forth in court.

Saddam Hussein is a man who has put many to death, perhaps his smile might have been a form of curiosity to find out what it is that put the look of terrified horror on his victims faces, perhaps it was because things were going “as he’d planned”. I somehow believe that.

Are you saying that the supposed video was leaked? Give us credit for some intelligence. I actually was expecting, no, awaiting it the next day.

Feed sectarianism & fanaticism.

Even for his hanging, though the government is equally Kurds & Arabs, no Kurds seem to be present, even though there was mention of their presence, make all Iraqi Shiites look like supporters of Muqtada Al Sadr, make all Iraqi Shiites look like they are loyal to Iran. Allow all hell to break loose.

The million dollar question is: Now, what’s the plan?

You have made your enemy & the enemy of many, a hero, why? Is he going to spend the rest of his life sipping martinis on some far away island with a smile on his face observing the goings on?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous16/1/07 08:50

    This whole thing was tragic for me.
    I agree with you he was a monster, he killed he was heartless, he doesn't deserve to be glorified.
    We all knew that his execution would glorify him. We all reacted in different ways. Most people were sad, not because Saddam was a victim. Not at all. It is the meaning of his execution to all the Muslim/Arab nation. It is a lesson to all of us, you misbehave, we can screw you. We can create an enemy amongst your self, we can cause start an endless war, you will always need us, this is not about democracy or fairness, its about what we need to be done. And sadly we all fall for it. I never had any negative feelings to any Shiaa's, immediatly after this even, I hated Shiaa's then I realized this is such an overwhelming hatred for a one time incident, then I figured these are the exact emotions that is desired at this time, to split us even further.
    Like you said Sunnii and kurds are left without justice being given to them.
    These mixed emotions from all sides and the chronic instability and frustration and the unpredictable future is the best recipe for estruction of Iraq.

    I blame us for falling in the trap, again and again and again. When will we ever learn.
